Brian J Smith ( cop dude from Sense8) came out
Awe go him! I always thought he was adorable.
Bruh my phone sent a bunch of undelivered texts to people at midnight last night, including one to my ex-boyfriend who I haven't talked to in months
"My phone"
Brian J Smith ( cop dude from Sense8) came out
Need Max next
Need Max next
This video... not gonna lie i go back to it sometimes... you know they did stuff... like max went tongue first ....
This video... not gonna lie i go back to it sometimes... you know they did stuff... like max went tongue first ....
I'd do a lot of things for that man
Bruh my phone sent a bunch of undelivered texts to people at midnight last night, including one to my ex-boyfriend who I haven't talked to in months
Yikes this is a nightmare scenario
Yikes this is a nightmare scenario
Apparently it happened all over the country
Nah, it happened to several phones and carriers
im on sprint too. Dodged a bullet, I think
Ok but are you actually a community member.... or are you just a very outspoken ally
Ok but are you actually a community member.... or are you just a very outspoken ally
thread title says "no straights allowed"
S is allowed
case closed S is queer