I dont think so
I had a really big post written out but I'm getting on a plane and it reset
Basically I was gonna say I could see how they're similar in the way that they wear their influences on their sleeve, Lynch blending some French new wave and overall European influence with the noirish pulp of the Americana of his youth, while Tarantino blends his childhood admirations for Italian/Asian/Afro American joints into an exploitation (pulp) showcase that he'd want to see in his youth. Similar approaches honestly now that you made me think about it, but I don't think they feed off of each other any more than any other good artist does. I could see Tarantino getting caught up in how "up it's ass" Eraserhead was if he saw it as a midnight movie back in the day, for instance
Maybe Im trippin tho
yea you trippin. stop trippin
Not weighing in too far but can’t a hypocrite still be right at the end of the day? Even if ignorant to their own indulgence
A hypocrite can be right but it makes less sense for somebody who’s guilty to call someone else out on that particular thing. If we both were to steal something out of the store how would you look at me for preaching to you about how stealing is bad and that you should aim to do better lol
And in this case he wasn’t even right, FWWM was the furthest thing from self indulgence
i love tarantino's films but the man loves to act like a contrarian. he literally called truffaut a "bumbling auteur like ed wood", which is a pretty big claim from someone who was clearly inspired by The Bride Wore Black when making Kill Bill.
I like his films too mostly, but he always comes off as an insufferable douchebag
I like Lynch a lot more than QT too but Mulholland Drive and Hollywood are nothing alike despite sharing some similar themes
Nobody's like David Lynch op, past or present. He's really closer to Hitchcock, just off the fact that loves mystery/the unknown. Tarantino is a hodge podge of all types of cinema, but at the end of the day, he's the ultimate American director.
Tarantinos movies pretty much captures the "pure essence" of what a Hollywood film should be. A true rockstar director
I like his films too mostly, but he always comes off as an insufferable douchebag
Fiona Apple found PTA and QT insufferable and I believe her
Fiona Apple found PTA and QT insufferable and I believe her
Didnt fiona date pta?
OP not wrong in the slightest but its a lot of dudes besides Lynch he was trying to be, thats just one
Didnt fiona date pta?
She spent a night with both (not like that)
Her night with them was so painful she quit coke
She spent a night with both (not like that)
Her night with them was so painful she quit coke
Nah man they dated fr. He directed alot of her videos and some her songs about him. Pta even based alot of his love stories on their relationship
Nah man they dated fr. He directed alot of her videos and some her songs about him. Pta even based alot of his love stories on their relationship
Licorice pizza is still sus
Fiona Apple found PTA and QT insufferable and I believe her
I feel like for PTA he might be insufferable on set in a kubrickian way, like slowly doing a million takes and adjusting things. But QT always just came across as one of those rich a****** kids out of LA lol
I feel like for PTA he might be insufferable on set in a kubrickian way, like slowly doing a million takes and adjusting things. But QT always just came across as one of those rich a****** kids out of LA lol
QT just strikes me as an obnoxious drunk lol
all of tarantino's movies are pretty heavily inspired but what makes him so good is he is somehow still able to make them his own
Nobody's like David Lynch op, past or present. He's really closer to Hitchcock, just off the fact that loves mystery/the unknown. Tarantino is a hodge podge of all types of cinema, but at the end of the day, he's the ultimate American director.
Tarantinos movies pretty much captures the "pure essence" of what a Hollywood film should be. A true rockstar director
Nobody's like David Lynch op, past or present. He's really closer to Hitchcock, just off the fact that loves mystery/the unknown. Tarantino is a hodge podge of all types of cinema, but at the end of the day, he's the ultimate American director.
Tarantinos movies pretty much captures the "pure essence" of what a Hollywood film should be. A true rockstar director
couldn't have said it better. plus he has cte
Now this is interesting. Care to cite a few sources?
I mean he was pals with the weinsteins since the early 90s
Licorice pizza is still sus
phantom thread goated tho
yall saying its a reach but Tarantino been vocal about his david lynch influence
I feel like by saying this you are disregarding the work of Martin Scorsese, Brian De Palma, Jean-Pierre Melville, Howard Hawks, Sergio Leone, Jean Luc Godard and the many other filmmakers that have clear DNA in Tarantino’s work and many others that came after them.
I also feel like your statement is pretty reductive of Lynch’s work as well.