  • Sep 9, 2022

    I still think that H8 is maybe his worst. Shame

    nigga that’s one of his best tf

  • Sep 9, 2022
    1 reply

    I did not like H8 at all. Not even when the s*** starts to go down

  • Sep 9, 2022

    inglorious basterds
    kill bill 2
    hateful 8

    are my favourites

  • Sep 9, 2022
    3 replies

    Hateful 8 is phenomenal. It blew my mind when I found out a lot of people think it's his worst

  • Sep 9, 2022
    3 replies

    Inglorious Basterds is top 1 for me

    I could rewatch that film any day of the week.
    It also has 2 of my favorite movie scenes ever

  • Sep 9, 2022
    1 reply

    Hateful 8 is phenomenal. It blew my mind when I found out a lot of people think it's his worst

    jennifer jason leigh and kurt russel at each-others necks warrants the existence of the movie alone. i could've watched a movie with just them

    the stuff between samuel l jackson and that old racist

    when the whole cast is back and forth bickering in the cabin, its peak musical tarantino dialogue

  • Sep 9, 2022
    2 replies

    Inglorious Basterds is top 1 for me

    I could rewatch that film any day of the week.
    It also has 2 of my favorite movie scenes ever

    which ones?

    i know the opening scene gotta be one of the two

    the opening scene, the scenes in the basement bar, the dinner between christoph waltz and the jewish girl, the stuff at the theatre during the climax, the very last line of dialog -> cut to black
    definitely some of the best stuff he'll ever do

  • Makaveli

    To be fair, I'm yet to rewatch but I remember I was down on it.

  • Sep 9, 2022

    even he didnt direct it
    true romance is one of my favorite tarantino movie
    great script

  • Sep 9, 2022

    Inglorious Basterds is top 1 for me

    I could rewatch that film any day of the week.
    It also has 2 of my favorite movie scenes ever

    I think about the cream scene so much.

  • Sep 9, 2022

    which ones?

    i know the opening scene gotta be one of the two

    the opening scene, the scenes in the basement bar, the dinner between christoph waltz and the jewish girl, the stuff at the theatre during the climax, the very last line of dialog -> cut to black
    definitely some of the best stuff he'll ever do

    The opening scene absolutely, one of the greatest scenes in cinematic history

    And the bar scene . That scene is written extremely well

  • friendly reminder that once upon a time in hollywood is a quentin tarantino film

  • Sep 9, 2022
    1 reply

    would be interested in tv/films that apply this Rick Dalton concept of handing industry transition to different eras within film. Hell, even outside of the film industry. Boogie Nights hits this concept.

    maybe a Pam Grier/Fred Williamson type post Blaxploitation boom. maybe a Will Smith/MC Hammer type post 1993 in the world of hip-hop.

    Singing in the Rain does the transition from silent films to talkie films. It’s a classic

  • Sep 9, 2022

    which ones?

    i know the opening scene gotta be one of the two

    the opening scene, the scenes in the basement bar, the dinner between christoph waltz and the jewish girl, the stuff at the theatre during the climax, the very last line of dialog -> cut to black
    definitely some of the best stuff he'll ever do

    Only thing missing from this list is the tense ass bar scene, that chick was such a dumbass arranging that as the meeting place, but it gave us a classic scene

  • Sep 9, 2022

    Inglorious Basterds is top 1 for me

    I could rewatch that film any day of the week.
    It also has 2 of my favorite movie scenes ever

    Prolly my most watched Tarantino movie, so rewatchable. I watch the extended mini series version on Netflix too

  • Sep 9, 2022
    1 reply

    Hateful 8
    Pulp Fiction
    Kill bill 2
    Inglorious basterds
    Kill bill 1
    Once upon a time in hollywood
    Reservoir dogs
    Jackie brown



    Death proof 💩💩💩💩💩💩

  • Sep 9, 2022


  • Sep 9, 2022
    1 reply

    Favorites are Jackie brown, inglorious b******s and once upon a time
    I love the stylized violence in Tarantino films but these movies just have the chillest vibe and when there’s finally violence it feels so earned

  • Sep 9, 2022
    1 reply

    Inglorious b******s is technical wise his best movie. But I still believe pulp fiction is his magnus opus. Also once upon a time is bottom top tier QT.

  • Sep 9, 2022
    2 replies

    Favorites are Jackie brown, inglorious b******s and once upon a time
    I love the stylized violence in Tarantino films but these movies just have the chillest vibe and when there’s finally violence it feels so earned

    I'd argue the violence in Once upon a time was unneeded

  • Jackie Brown is so slept on. Really liked it

  • Sep 9, 2022
    1 reply

    I'd argue the violence in Once upon a time was unneeded

    On first watch it was definitely jarring but it grew on me in subsequent rewatches. I think it’s because it’s definitely a crowd pleasing moment and Tarantino did a great job setting up the scene with expectations of the tragedy that actually happened. I think as much as I love Cliff beating the group I think because they really laid in his strength, but Rick bringing out the blowtorch was definitely over the top and I could’ve done without it.

  • Sep 9, 2022

    On first watch it was definitely jarring but it grew on me in subsequent rewatches. I think it’s because it’s definitely a crowd pleasing moment and Tarantino did a great job setting up the scene with expectations of the tragedy that actually happened. I think as much as I love Cliff beating the group I think because they really laid in his strength, but Rick bringing out the blowtorch was definitely over the top and I could’ve done without it.

    it would be cool if bruce lee had a showdown with manson family

  • Mac Wit Da Cheese

    Singing in the Rain does the transition from silent films to talkie films. It’s a classic

    it's been on my list forever. I'll have to peep one of these days.
    I'll be deep in poliziotteschi flicks but dread watching musicals.

  • inglorious & death proof are my favorites from him. kill bill vol 2 up there as well.
