What's dumb about it? He doesn't owe you movies for the rest of his life. He's achieved everything any filmmaker could ever hope to achieve. He don't owe us s***.
I think it's dumb to arbitrarily say you're gonna do ten films and dip. you should do as many or as little as u want or feel you have the juice to make idc. nothing to do with me feeling he owes me anything. even with the film critic project it seems like he's second guessing himself for fear of having that arbitrary final film suck.
I think it's dumb to arbitrarily say you're gonna do ten films and dip. you should do as many or as little as u want or feel you have the juice to make idc. nothing to do with me feeling he owes me anything. even with the film critic project it seems like he's second guessing himself for fear of having that arbitrary final film suck.
its pretty clear for Tarantino, he wanted to go for as consistent a run as he could and I feel the 10 film thing forced him to make sure he was at the top of his game.
I think it's dumb to arbitrarily say you're gonna do ten films and dip. you should do as many or as little as u want or feel you have the juice to make idc. nothing to do with me feeling he owes me anything. even with the film critic project it seems like he's second guessing himself for fear of having that arbitrary final film suck.
Isn’t that what he’s doing? He’s doing the number that he feels like making…
He kinda talks about The Movie Critic and false reports and stuff at around 31:30
So apparently he’s writing a comedy play and if it becomes popular he’ll make it his next film
So apparently he’s writing a comedy play and if it becomes popular he’ll make it his next film
Yep. The way he was like ‘you know, if people think it’s good…alrightttttt. Maybe I’ll make it into a movie, alriiiiiight????’
Makes me think he literally has 0 movie aspirations rn. He didn’t scrap movie critic in lieu of writing another movie, he just isn’t working towards his next movie
Yep. The way he was like ‘you know, if people think it’s good…alrightttttt. Maybe I’ll make it into a movie, alriiiiiight????’
Makes me think he literally has 0 movie aspirations rn. He didn’t scrap movie critic in lieu of writing another movie, he just isn’t working towards his next movie
Facts he just letting whatever come to him. But I know he typically starts off scripts by writing novels….plays and then they eventually evolve into a screenplay
Facts he just letting whatever come to him. But I know he typically starts off scripts by writing novels….plays and then they eventually evolve into a screenplay
That’s not how I read this tbh.
That’s not how I read this tbh.
yeah he said it jokingly i doubt he will turn it into a movie
Wish he would realize no one cares about the 10 movie thing. He painted himself into a box where the next one has to be perfect when in reality if he just keeps doing what he always does we will all be happy.
Wish he would realize no one cares about the 10 movie thing. He painted himself into a box where the next one has to be perfect when in reality if he just keeps doing what he always does we will all be happy.
Think it's more like after a certain while you lose your sauce, and he doesn't wanna get there.
Clint Eastwood is still directing at an age where somebody can cough his way and he'll die, but his movies rn aren't like back then
Think it's more like after a certain while you lose your sauce, and he doesn't wanna get there.
Clint Eastwood is still directing at an age where somebody can cough his way and he'll die, but his movies rn aren't like back then
That’s so foul
I wish this nigga would just flat out say he sees once upon a time as a kind of swan song and let it be
Cuz obv he set himself up on the next joint and I don't think he necessarily likes THAT brand of pressure
So apparently he’s writing a comedy play and if it becomes popular he’ll make it his next film
I can already imagine the shambles if his final film is just a comedy. His movies all have been comedic and he can obviously write entertaining dialogue but I know people will be pissed if there’s no violence or crime element to it
I can already imagine the shambles if his final film is just a comedy. His movies all have been comedic and he can obviously write entertaining dialogue but I know people will be pissed if there’s no violence or crime element to it
OUATIH was restrained for the whole film until he remembered why half the crowd was paying for a ticket