  • Jun 10, 2021
    1 reply

    It’s liberal cacs crying the most abt how times is hard so I don’t get you at all.

    white liberals don’t see much wrong with anything and would rather ignore things than be inconvenienced so this is highkey cap

    times are definitely hard

  • Jun 10, 2021

    i agree it was surprisingly impactful but the thing i use to differentiate it from the ww's is their duration

    the peak of covid-making-everything-worse happened last year and overall the severity is clearly dimming for the general ppl. it doesnt mean that the severity doesnt matter, but bad s*** compounds over time, and the ww's had a lot more time to do dat

    Are u talking about USA only itt ? Because some countries have it way worse right now

  • Jun 10, 2021
    1 reply

    white liberals don’t see much wrong with anything and would rather ignore things than be inconvenienced so this is highkey cap

    times are definitely hard

    Well You can be an ignorant crybaby. Thats exactly what most of them are

    Times are forsure hard relatively

    I just dont feel like living in the USA gives me any right to complain about s***. What my grandfather went through to feed us was a thousand times harder than whatever I’m doing here.

  • Jun 10, 2021
    1 reply

  • Jun 10, 2021

    diamonds are msde by huge pressure

    So ya this is scietfcly prooven bro

  • venus

    I believe it’s true, and yes, we are living in good times. Take one look at all these p**** ass mfs that have been bred. People have gotten too comfortable. A strong man within this context will create his own challenges.

    challenges aka a perc addiction & being aired out for being a creep by a coworker on an ig story

  • Jun 10, 2021
    2 replies

    All this talk about strong men and weak men but what about women?

  • Jun 10, 2021

    The toughest and most sincere individuals I know all came from the greatest struggles. Whether it be men or women.


    so we lucked out lol based generation sorry kids U must hold that

  • Jun 10, 2021
    1 reply

    All this talk about strong men and weak men but what about women?

    I love their minds

  • Kengi 💭
    Jun 10, 2021
    5 replies

    Look. As someone who actually met a WW2 veteran lemme tell ya something. They not as tough as movies want you to believe. Most of em were just normal guys. Like us. Which makes it all the more f***ed up that they had to see these horrendous things.

    So worry about your own s*** and stop this conservative c*** talk.

  • Jun 10, 2021
    1 reply

    All this talk about strong men and weak men but what about women?

    I mean when this quote was made woman were just in the kitchen but ya title should be changed to hard times create great ppl

  • Kengi

    Look. As someone who actually met a WW2 veteran lemme tell ya something. They not as tough as movies want you to believe. Most of em were just normal guys. Like us. Which makes it all the more f***ed up that they had to see these horrendous things.

    So worry about your own s*** and stop this conservative c*** talk.

    oh! you eat your mothers mozzarell with that mouth?

  • Jun 10, 2021

    I love their minds

  • Jun 10, 2021

    Look. As someone who actually met a WW2 veteran lemme tell ya something. They not as tough as movies want you to believe. Most of em were just normal guys. Like us. Which makes it all the more f***ed up that they had to see these horrendous things.

    So worry about your own s*** and stop this conservative c*** talk.

    Bro it all depends

    Just cause there was a war going on dont mean everyone was in the thickk of it

  • Jun 10, 2021
    1 reply

    I mean when this quote was made woman were just in the kitchen but ya title should be changed to hard times create great ppl

    U just said what my problem is with this quote tbh, it's from another time, s*** is just different now

  • Jun 10, 2021
    1 reply

    Well You can be an ignorant crybaby. Thats exactly what most of them are

    Times are forsure hard relatively

    I just dont feel like living in the USA gives me any right to complain about s***. What my grandfather went through to feed us was a thousand times harder than whatever I’m doing here.

    but even the US is first world s***hole…the mindset that cos you live in a first world country doesn’t mean you have the right to complain is what continues to allow other people to face hardships

  • Jun 10, 2021
    · edited

    U just said what my problem is with this quote tbh, it's from another time, s*** is just different now

    But it still holds true

    If u lived through hard times u come out stronger on the other side

  • Jun 10, 2021
    1 reply

    Look. As someone who actually met a WW2 veteran lemme tell ya something. They not as tough as movies want you to believe. Most of em were just normal guys. Like us. Which makes it all the more f***ed up that they had to see these horrendous things.

    So worry about your own s*** and stop this conservative c*** talk.

    And thatrq true too, movies and fiction don't want people to see the reality of it, but returning soldiers are pretty much always broken on the inside

  • Jun 10, 2021
    1 reply

    but even the US is first world s***hole…the mindset that cos you live in a first world country doesn’t mean you have the right to complain is what continues to allow other people to face hardships

    i mean complain as in pitying your own ass and “fate” all the time. I can still call out and move against the heavy flaws in the system while keeping a positive perspective for myself. Thats my point.

  • Jun 10, 2021
    1 reply

    i mean complain as in pitying your own ass and “fate” all the time. I can still call out and move against the heavy flaws in the system while keeping a positive perspective for myself. Thats my point.

    no one said you couldn’t

    admitting that these are tough times doesn’t mean you self pity lmao.

  • Kengi 💭
    Jun 10, 2021
    1 reply

    And thatrq true too, movies and fiction don't want people to see the reality of it, but returning soldiers are pretty much always broken on the inside

    Not just on the inside my friend. Especially in WW1 coming from the trenches. You were lucky if you only lost a foot.

  • Jun 10, 2021

    Not just on the inside my friend. Especially in WW1 coming from the trenches. You were lucky if you only lost a foot.

    True people were coming back with half their face missing

    But hey apparently they were strong right

  • Jun 10, 2021
    1 reply

    Look. As someone who actually met a WW2 veteran lemme tell ya something. They not as tough as movies want you to believe. Most of em were just normal guys. Like us. Which makes it all the more f***ed up that they had to see these horrendous things.

    So worry about your own s*** and stop this conservative c*** talk.

    Your argument doesn't make sense.

    Sure they were normal guys. All humans are normal in a sense. But their experiences were not normal.

    As Marx said, it is the situation that makes the person, not the person that makes the situation.

    Their material conditions were vastly different than ours.

  • Kengi 💭
    Jun 10, 2021
    1 reply

    Your argument doesn't make sense.

    Sure they were normal guys. All humans are normal in a sense. But their experiences were not normal.

    As Marx said, it is the situation that makes the person, not the person that makes the situation.

    Their material conditions were vastly different than ours.

    Get the f*** outta here. This glorification of poor b******s in the wars living through horror is widespread conservative c*** propaganda. You know it. I know it.
