  • Jun 10, 2021
    1 reply

    You can see the difference in material conditions shaping human consciousness by comparing the Silent Generation to the Boomer Generation. Boomers are insufferable arrogant pricks, while the Silents are much more humble and kind. Boomers lived in the best era for capitalism so far while Silents went through recession and WW2 in their youth

  • Jun 10, 2021

    Get the f*** outta here. This glorification of poor b******s in the wars living through horror is widespread conservative c*** propaganda. You know it. I know it.

    I'm not glorifying war I'm saying it would be ridiculous to assume a war doesn't change you

  • Kengi 💭
    Jun 10, 2021
    1 reply
    · edited

    You can see the difference in material conditions shaping human consciousness by comparing the Silent Generation to the Boomer Generation. Boomers are insufferable arrogant pricks, while the Silents are much more humble and kind. Boomers lived in the best era for capitalism so far while Silents went through recession and WW2 in their youth

    Silent generation werent WW2 soldiers you prick.

  • Jun 10, 2021

    No need for name calling

  • Jun 10, 2021

    Silent generation werent WW2 soldiers you prick.

    Did I say so?

  • Jun 10, 2021
    1 reply

    Nigga said EVER like you had to scrape rice grains off the street for dinner

    ... bro do you know what the f*** they mean by "good times, "

    you know if people had to scrape rice off the streets that would be called good times


  • Jun 10, 2021

    no one said you couldn’t

    admitting that these are tough times doesn’t mean you self pity lmao.

    i feel like The line between recognizing difficulty and getting way too caught up in it is very thin for many bro.

    personally, i Gotta keep myself grounded by thinking about the reality of other people and my ancestors.

    Nowadays i barely have to think, the appreciation has already become a part of me.

  • Jun 10, 2021
    1 reply

    ... bro do you know what the f*** they mean by "good times, "

    you know if people had to scrape rice off the streets that would be called good times


    What does that sentence even mean kuhz 😂😂

  • Jun 10, 2021

    @op I would say most of the West is in the start of the Weak Men Create Hard Times part right now

  • Jun 10, 2021
    1 reply

    What does that sentence even mean kuhz 😂😂

    good times are just less hard times not actually good times.

    we don't know what good times would actually create. it's just a theory.

    this world s*** a work in progress...

  • Jun 10, 2021
    1 reply

    Yes. It’s true. Once you go through times where you wish you were dead and make it back you’ll understand. Struggle makes you a man.

    Literally me rn

  • Jun 10, 2021

    every westernised state is full of weak men.

    anywhere where money is in abundance (hence why we have so many batshit ideologies) that go against facts + science.

    Anywhere we still have struggle in abundance has strong men in place. thats not to say both cant interchange. just the majority

  • Too Real

    Literally me rn

    It’s a part of becoming a man. Most the time we just have to deal with our pain and thug it out. I’m telling you from experience mental and physical pain will only end up making you a stronger person.

  • Jun 10, 2021
    2 replies

    This is such a blanket statement - sounds like some s*** an edgy teen would say.

    What defines a strong person, first of all?
    To me, it's someone with a strong moral compass and sense of ethics, willing to fight for the progress and betterment of society/mankind. People who equate strong = "not a crybaby" are dumb af, imo.

    And to say "times are good" rn is very naive. But guess what, man severily lacks foresight.

  • Jun 10, 2021

    If being strong means having your limbs blown off, ringing in your ears louder than your loved one's voices, and diving under the table during fireworks shows then yeah, war does make strong men

  • Jun 10, 2021
    1 reply

    Quote is said by historical cosplayers, type of people who swear they want to reject the modern world but spend all their day on Twitter

  • Jun 10, 2021
    1 reply


    all the good times we as americans have, breeds all these very strong opinons

    whether its good or bad can be argued. but i like to think of the time tested quote

    "healthy men have 1000 wishes. sick men have 1 wish. to be healthy"

    think about it

  • Jun 10, 2021


    all the good times we as americans have, breeds all these very strong opinons

    whether its good or bad can be argued. but i like to think of the time tested quote

    "healthy men have 1000 wishes. sick men have 1 wish. to be healthy"

    think about it

    Absolutely, when life is too comfortable you get soft and weak. Just workout to get some sort of “struggle” or challenge nge in your life

  • Jun 10, 2021
    1 reply

    It applies but often the circumstance it is brought up is very off like mfs talkin about historical timeline, the war and stuff. It should only be used on a personal level, not on a zeitgeist and period of mankind

  • frenchpress

    i agree it was surprisingly impactful but the thing i use to differentiate it from the ww's is their duration

    the peak of covid-making-everything-worse happened last year and overall the severity is clearly dimming for the general ppl. it doesnt mean that the severity doesnt matter, but bad s*** compounds over time, and the ww's had a lot more time to do dat

    don't a lot of people die in wars? Even the strong men? I'm sure a lot of vets coming back home are healthy or well at all lmao

  • Also does good times only account for rich people? Cause I'm pretty sure most Americans would call last year hard times

  • Jun 10, 2021
    1 reply

    good times are just less hard times not actually good times.

    we don't know what good times would actually create. it's just a theory.

    this world s*** a work in progress...

    I see that but personally looking outside the box makes me humble and feel happy about what i have. It’s all perspective

  • Jun 10, 2021
    1 reply

    Yes. Everybody is so p**** now because things are easy as f*** today

  • Jun 10, 2021
    1 reply

    I see that but personally looking outside the box makes me humble and feel happy about what i have. It’s all perspective

    i used to be like that s*** made me complacent.

  • Move to politics