jtexpress from japan. a carton runs 5700-6000 yen. shipping for 4 cartons runs about 10.5k yen. it's worth it if you live in a state where a pack of smokes is north of 10 bucks for sure or if you live in a state where they've banned menthols.
i cop all the time and keep the cartons in my fridge so i never run out of cigs.
dude writes down "air filter for car" and marks it as a 10-20 usd package on the customs declaration so you never have any issues with customs.
gonna start doing this
Best of luck to you
What makes you want to quit now?
Cigarette prices are astronomical where I live, around 50 AUD for one pack. All the grey market cigarettes are utter trash. I have a family history of cancer from smoking on my dad’s side. I’ve had enough, it’s just not worth it
Cigarette prices are astronomical where I live, around 50 AUD for one pack. All the grey market cigarettes are utter trash. I have a family history of cancer from smoking on my dad’s side. I’ve had enough, it’s just not worth it
Oh damn you got it bad then man. Good on you for noticing it early though. Stay strong
Bronchitis pretty much forced me to quit like 3 weeks ago. I see no reason to yo back now. My bank account looking great since i got sick
I remember when I started this one job last year they told me "don't let the boss see you smoking cigarettes" I know it's okay and other people do it but to this day they never explained it to me. I think maybe because he'll lecture people or something idk. I haven't quit but I will make a goal soon to quit.
i'll give you guys a little life hack, the best way to quit nicotine/cigs is to get really sick. Try to get covid, flu, or RSV.
have fun being obese @op
this tells me that we should solve the obesity epidemic by encouraging smoking.