Pulp Fiction
Inglourious Basterds
Reservoir Dogs
Kill Bill
The Hateful Eight
Django Unchained
Once Upon a Time in Hollywood
Jackie Brown
Death Proof
Kill Bill
Once Upon a Time
Jackie Brown
Hateful Eight
Pulp Fiction
Reservoir Dogs
Death Proof
Django Unchained
Once Upon A Time
Reservoir Dogs
Pulp Fiction
Inglorious B******s
The Hateful Eight
Jackie Brown
Kill Bill
I think everyone of his films is an 8 or above. I really like Kill Bill but I think its his weakest. Haven't seen death proof.
How is Pulp so low on ur list
Reservoir Dogs
Once Upon a time in Hollywood
Kill Bill
Hateful Eight
Jackie Brown
Sin City
Death Proof
Pulp Fiction
Inglorious Basterds
Kill Bill
Once Upon A Time
Reservoir Dawgs
Hateful Eight
Jackie Brown
Death Proof
Django Unchained
Pulp Fiction
Inglorious Basterds
Once Upon a Time in Hollywood
Reservoir Dogs
Kill Bill 1
Hateful 8
Kill Bill 2
Jackie Brown
Death Proof
Inglorious Basterds
Pulp Fiction
Once Upon a Time in Hollywood
Jackie Brown
Django Unchained
Kill Bill 1
Reservoir Dogs
Death Proof
Kill Bill 2
Hateful 8
Pulp Fiction
Inglourious Basterds
Reservoir Dogs
Kill Bill
Jackie Brown
Django Unchained
The Hateful Eight
Death Proof
Django Unchained
Once Upon A Time
Reservoir Dogs
Pulp Fiction
Inglorious B******s
The Hateful Eight
Jackie Brown
Kill Bill
I think everyone of his films is an 8 or above. I really like Kill Bill but I think its his weakest. Haven't seen death proof.
wheres death proof?
Reservoir Dogs
Pulp Fiction
Kill Bill
Jackie Brown
Once Upon a Time in Hollywood
Inglorious B******s
Hateful Eight
Django Unchained
Death Proof
Inglorious B******s
Pulp Fiction
Once Upon A Time
Jackie Brown
Reservoir Dogs
Kill Bill (1 & 2) my favorite
Django Unchained
Hateful Eight
Death Proof
Pulp Fiction 10/10
Once Upon a Time 9/10
Inglourious Basterds 9/10
Hateful Eight 8/10
Kill Bill 8/10
Reservoir Dogs 8/10
Django Unchained 6/10
Havent seen the other two yet