  • Jan 24, 2020

    Reservoir Dogs
    Once Upon a Time
    Pulp Fiction

    Inglourious Basterds
    Jackie Brown

    The Hateful Eight
    Django Unchained
    Kill Bill
    Death Proof

  • Jan 24, 2020

    I defo need to give JB a rewatch, feel like I might like it more now

    It’s his more subtle movie, he has never catched again a romance like he captured between Pam Grier and Robert Forster, the chemistry and performance is off the roof and so sexy

  • Jan 24, 2020
    1 reply

    No, the even bigger issue itt is YOU not ranking Jackie Brown higher

    I disrespected the black community with that one, didn’t I?

  • Jan 24, 2020


  • Jan 24, 2020

    Jackie Brown
    Kill Bill (1 & 2)
    Pulp Fiction
    Inglorious Basterds
    Death Proof/Django Unchained (tie)
    Reservoir Dogs
    Hateful 8
    Once Upon a Time in Hollywood....

    • Chris Mannix and Rick Dalton are two of my favorite Tarantino characters but I haven’t liked Hateful 8 either time I’ve rewatched it as much as the first, and Once Upon a Time... could have been a lot better; first movie of his I’ve ever been at all disappointed by on first viewing.
    • Used to go Django over Basterds but Django’s storyline kind of falls apart after the white cake is served. Can’t quite say Death Proof is more entertaining than Django, though, so those two are tied for me.
    • Reservoir was my favorite in high school but he’s done better work since then.
  • Jan 24, 2020

    They’re all pretty damn good and my ranking changes with each time i think about it

    Basterds, Pulp Fiction, Hollywood, Kill Bill, Django are my faves - possibly in that order

  • Tyler

    thats def apart of it, I just really love the characters and the overall way the story is told. The entire film was constantly entertaining, even if at the end the film was overly pointless. Just a fun ride.

    While it’s my least favorite, I can still get behind this. It was mainly the goofy ending that f***ed it up for me.

  • Jan 24, 2020
    1 reply

    I feel like not incorporating Bruce Lee into the ending of OUaTiH, especially given the fact that he was an actual suspect for a time in the real Sharon Tate case, was a huge missed opportunity. If it was gonna be that ridiculous anyway, swing for the fences and have Bruce and Cliff fight the cult members.

  • Jan 24, 2020
    1 reply

    It’s super fun altho it does feel like Tarantino on autopilot in hindsight, it’s like him doing a Tarantino movie for the sake of it without much input into it only to justify real stunts, which is cool! but is also which is why he thought he needed a change and people are looking down on it

    Still more fun and so less pretentious than Once Upon A Time which is always a welcome to me, not each movie one makes has to be a statement or super serious

    Ain’t nothing wrong with a more mindless movie down the road, if you got a kick out of it it’s the only thing that will ever matter at the end of the day no matter how much people want to over a***yze art

    The biggest issue itt is the lack of love for Jackie Brown lol

    Fully agree. The biggest problem with OUATIH is it's pretention. If it was a more schlocky movie like Death Proof or even Kill Bill I might love it more. The whole appeal to Tarantino was always his punk rock way towards the industry mixed into his mastery.

  • Jan 24, 2020

    Tbh once upon a time is the only Tarantino film I don’t love

    He's softened up with his marriage and kid on the way. It happens to the best of them.

    There was moments though I loved it, DiCaprio getting implemented into old movies, I felt the Tarantino passion but the main story felt very amateurish.

  • Jan 24, 2020
    1 reply

    Fully agree. The biggest problem with OUATIH is it's pretention. If it was a more schlocky movie like Death Proof or even Kill Bill I might love it more. The whole appeal to Tarantino was always his punk rock way towards the industry mixed into his mastery.

    OUATIH is such a boring Oscar bait ride with a grotesque try hard ending, Tarantino got caricatural

  • Jan 24, 2020

    Don't feel like listing them all but

    Django my favorite.
    Hateful 8 underrated
    Once Upon a Time is top 3

  • Jan 24, 2020

    Pulp Fiction
    Django unchained
    Reservoir dogs
    Inglorious b******s
    Jackie brown
    The rest

  • Jan 24, 2020
    2 replies

    Just watched Kill Bill 1&2 recently for the first time and it's def not better than Pulp Fiction, Django, Hollywood, H8, or Reservoir Dogs

    Like not even close imo but hey cool lil movie tho

  • Jan 24, 2020
    cotton dockers

    I feel like not incorporating Bruce Lee into the ending of OUaTiH, especially given the fact that he was an actual suspect for a time in the real Sharon Tate case, was a huge missed opportunity. If it was gonna be that ridiculous anyway, swing for the fences and have Bruce and Cliff fight the cult members.

    I so strongly agree. Not only should he have kicked some cult member assess he should have gotten high with Brad beforehand (after arriving originally to get revenge on Brad or something)

    Again it just feels like unfinished work for Tarantino. Could have been way better felt the same way about H8 and I've never thought anything other than perfection of his previous work even if I didn't love it.

  • Jan 24, 2020
    1 reply

    Just watched Kill Bill 1&2 recently for the first time and it's def not better than Pulp Fiction, Django, Hollywood, H8, or Reservoir Dogs

    Like not even close imo but hey cool lil movie tho

    real ones know it’s his best film

  • Jan 24, 2020

    some of y’all have the weirdest ways of justifying why you don’t like something lol

  • Jan 24, 2020

    the goat tarantino intro

  • Jan 24, 2020

    Inglorious Basterds
    Pulp Fiction
    Django Unchained
    Once Upon A Time In Hollywood
    The Hateful 8
    Jackie Brown
    Reservoir Dogs
    Kill Bill
    Death Proof

  • Jan 24, 2020
    1 reply

    Just watched Kill Bill 1&2 recently for the first time and it's def not better than Pulp Fiction, Django, Hollywood, H8, or Reservoir Dogs

    Like not even close imo but hey cool lil movie tho

    Kill Bill was revolutionary at it's time though. Legit the most exciting thing to hit theaters at least for my generation. It's also his most personal film in volume 2 is legit like better than Star wars f***ed up family dynamics. Kill Bill is a masterpiece

  • G Roy 🩻
    Jan 24, 2020

    The really great tier:
    Kill bill vol. 1
    Jackie Brown
    Once upon a time in hollywood
    Death proof
    The its pretty ok tier:
    Kill bill vol. 2
    Pulp fiction
    The i really dont care tier
    Inglorious b******s
    Hateful 8

    i don't really care that much about him outside the first 3 really

  • Jan 24, 2020
    1 reply

    OUATIH is such a boring Oscar bait ride with a grotesque try hard ending, Tarantino got caricatural

    Glad I'm not the only one who felt this way. It's like he lost his touch with the violence thing since H8, like he is trying too hard. Felt that way at bits in Django too but it was so compelling didn't really care.

    Don't get me wrong, I did love DiCaprio coming out with the flamethrower but it just feels like his hearts not in it like it used to.

  • Jan 24, 2020

    Jackie Brown
    Kill Bill
    Once Upon a Time (I'm probably underrating it because it's new)
    Reservoir Dogs
    Hateful 8

    I've never seen Death Proof

  • Jan 24, 2020

    real ones know it’s his best film

    Idk it didn't hit for me was too cartoony

  • Jan 24, 2020
    1 reply

    Kill Bill was revolutionary at it's time though. Legit the most exciting thing to hit theaters at least for my generation. It's also his most personal film in volume 2 is legit like better than Star wars f***ed up family dynamics. Kill Bill is a masterpiece

    Damn I liked 1 better than 2 tbh even though it's really just one long movie split in 2. I guess if I saw it back when it released I'd feel different but it just felt too cartoonish for me idk like the graphics wasn't hitting, some of the fight scenes were nonsensical, and uma acting wasn't doing anything for me

    Lucy Lui sexy af tho
