1. Pulp Fiction
2. Django Unchained
3. Reservoir Dogs
4. Inglorious B******s
5. Jackie Brown
6. Hateful Eight
7. Kill Bill 1 & 2
8. Death Proof
9. Once Upon A Time In Hollywood
Pretty fun list to make
Kill Bill Vol. 1
Django Unchained
Inglourious B******s
Reservoir Dogs
Once Upon a Time
Pulp Fiction
Kill Bill Vol. 2
I haven't seen Hateful Eight, Jackie Brown and Deathproof
People who genuinely like OUATIH, is it an aesthetics thing for y'all?
It's one of those movies you gotta sit back and watch with a beer, taking in the setting, soundtrack and the characters.
If you're on the edge of your seat waiting for action you'll get bored. Changing up how I watched it is how I enjoyed watching it much more on my second viewing.
Django Unchained
Kill Bill (the first one)
Pulp Fiction
Reservoir Dogs
Kill Bill 2
Jackie Brown
Hateful 8
Once upon a time in boredom
Haven't seen Death Proof or the Grindhouse project. But that top 4 unbeatable imo
Watch Grindhouse as a whole it’s much better that way
Is this an loser thread?
What about film rankings leads you to think about losers
Haven’t seen Once Upon a Time In Hollywood yet but it looks like it had the most fire foot fetish scenes to date (especially that movie theater one 😍) from the clips I seen so I’m going with that one
1: once upon a time in hollywood
2/3: kill bill/django (tie)
4: jackie brown
5: hateful eight
6: pulp fiction
7: inglourious basterds
8: death proof
9: reservoir dogs
i think once upon a time in hollywood made me rethink what i like about tarantino films. i think in general he's gotten better with each film, so a lot of his earlier stuff aside from jackie brown i don't have as much love for
stuff like basterds and reservoir dogs i appreciate are well-made, but most of the list is just which characters and scenes i wanna revisit the most
it is now that you posted in it
Keep ranking feet pics w the homies. Don’t talk to me
Pulp Fiction
Jackie Brown
Kill Bill vol. 1 / 2
Once Upon a Time in Hollywood
Inglourious Basterds
Django Unchained
Death Proof
The Hateful Eight
Reservoir Dogs
1. Pulp Fiction
2. Reservoir Dogs
3. Jackie Brown
4. Inglorious B******s
5. Django Unchained
6. Hateful Eight
7. Kill Bill 1&2
8. Once Upon A Time In Hollywood
9. Death Proof
Pulp Fiction
Reservoir Dogs
Kill Bill
Inglorious Basterds
Once Up A Time
Jackie Brown
Hateful 8
Death Proof
defo an loser
Jokes on you cuz s***seems way overrated. And its not loser it’s volcel b****
Inglourious Basterds
Reservoir Dogs
Once Upon a Time in Hollywood
Jackie Brown
Kill Bill
Pulp Fiction
The Hateful Eight
Django Unchained
Still haven’t gotten around to Death Proof
Inglourious Basterds
Reservoir Dogs
Once Upon a Time in Hollywood
Jackie Brown
Kill Bill
Pulp Fiction
The Hateful Eight
Django Unchained
Still haven’t gotten around to Death Proof
death proof is entertaining as f***
IDK, I guess
Kill Bill
Death Proof
Reservoir Dogs
Pulp Fiction
Hateful Eight
Jackie Brown
not any bad movies, just some I found more entertaining than others. Top 5 can change on any day.
Pulp fiction
Kill bill
Jackie brown
Reservoir dogs
Hateful 8
Death proof
Once Upon a Time in Hollywood
Jackie Brown
Inglorious Basterds
Pulp Fiction
Kill Bill Vol. 1
Django Unchained
Reservoir Dogs
Kill Bill Vol. 2
Death Proof
The Hateful Eight