To preface what I'm about to say, I don't have a hate boner for trap artists today or rap culture in general. If your a fan of dababy, youngboy, thug etc. Chill out I kinda f*** with their music too.
Rap music today especially in the mainstream has become homogeneous as hell. A few years ago I feared that this was slowly happening but just hearing the charting rap songs today
the flows,production and subject matter are almost indistinguishable from eachother. Most mainstream artists have shown almost no drive to separate themselves from other than their personality and style. This is a huge f***ing problem since as we've seen before the trap style is relatively easy to copy. Do I even need to bring up post malone?
More pop artists are going to co-opt the trap sound and make it more appealing to wider audience, and how are pure rappers going to keep up when the current hip hop culture goes out of style in the mainstream?
Worst of all this sameness has spread to the underground, especially for upcoming artists. As much as I hate being the nostalgic
old fart bringing up the past, this wasn't as bad of an issue in the "tumblr era (2010-2013). Rappers especially the newcomers were distinct from eachother not only with their personality and message but also with their production. You could tell an Odd future track from an
Asap track by the production almost immediately back in the day. There were not only great, but unique projects coming from younger groups/rappers during that time. BetteroffDead, LiveLoveAsap, B******, Earl, Mysterious phonk chronicles, Acid Rap, Macadelic, all had something of their own as projects to say.
The new generation sort of did this at the beginning with X (rip), ski, Uzi, yachty and the sorts. But almost none of them stuck with the style that made them stick out at the beginning. Hell look at lil pump who is pretty
much a posterboy for the soundcloud era. When he started out you couldn't deny that his style was punk as hell and his music while simple, almost demanded attention with how bold it was. Now he's pretty much fallen off like most of his peers.
The biggest issue affecting rap today is with the popularity of social media we are now seeing the worst of the hip hop industry plastered everywhere. Horrible label deals, rappers suffering mental breakdowns and succumbing to d*** addiction, tour fukkery and violence. Why be
a rapper today when your career is only going to last a year or two?Why be a rapper today when your drama with your ex is going to be plastered all over media takeout and domislive's channel?
Why sell beats or try to build relationships in the industry when your more than likely to be scammed and abused?
Why face the risk of potentially being knocked out on camera because of something you said on twitter or the chain your wearing?
Young rappers and are increasingly being given reasons to not pick up the mic.
Tbh I don't think anything can be done to fix these issues since these things have been in motion for some time.Do I think rap is going to fall off the face of the earth in the coming years no. But I definitely think that
hip hop's days are numbered as the dominant genre. I have hope for hip hop though, the same thing happened to rock during its hair metal phase and it was revitalized in the grunge era. I guess we'll just have to wait and see.
OP think we care get a f***ing avi then we'll read your novel til then stay in the no avis place.
Keep your opinions short or don't say nothing no avi
Need psychedelic rock back so I can f*** some hippies at some festivals that aren’t regulated correctly
OP think we care get a f***ing avi then we'll read your novel til then stay in the no avis place.
Keep your opinions short or don't say nothing no avi
I dont have any funny memes to put in my avi.
I dont have any funny memes to put in my avi.
F*** a meme get a picture of anything.
Need psychedelic rock back so I can f*** some hippies at some festivals that aren’t regulated correctly
Rape vibes
Niggas say this all the time on here like the fans gonna disappear
If rap isn’t charting the same next decade then oh well I’m still listening to the music and plenty other fans feel the same
rap has been top 3 most popular genre since the 90s.the only reason it didn't take the number 1 spot before the late 00's is because radio stations had nearly full control over what's popular and they played pop and rock way more than they did rap.
thankfully the way we consume music has been democratized in a way with streaming and now it's the people that decide what's popular and the stats have proven that they prefer rap over any other genre. as long as streaming exists it'll remain the most popular genre. at the very least, it will be the top genre for the next 10 years too.
I don't see rap lasting five more years either as the top genre. Pop music will everyday claim it's throne again and people will get tired if the trap sound. Trap has already peaked with old town road. Rap is going back underground when trap stops being popular. The genre won't have any legs to stand on if lyrical real and party rap are no longer accepted