Oh yea i love his work. great stuff.
He has an adult record with his dad called "The Poon tangs"
the track titles
"Two Girls In Love (With Each Other)"
"Two Girls In Love (With Each Other)"
i have to go find this record just to hear the lyrics
!https://youtu.be/IvE515fAKGYahead of its time guitar and climaxes
ahead of its time guitar and climaxes
The riff is good but imagine bumping that s*** outside your headphones.
I hope everyone is liking it, see ya on the next drop fam. If you want to be notified, hit me up and the chopper will deliver and drop something to you.
~I deeeeeeeeeeeeeeeciddded to maaaaake you myyyyy choooooice~ when that vocal comes in with that bassline and that harmony and Raphael on guitar. The arrangement on this, mercccy. "whoooooaaaah-ohhhhhh"
I need to get these demo tapes they made.
"i dont neeeed silllllveeeeer & gooooooold" simping levels way over + 9000 & past GOKU
Nice! I got like an hour and a half drive to my girl's mom's, so this'll be nice.
Sidenote: @AudioConsulting I was typing "Shugg" into Tidal and stumbled on this:
!https://youtu.be/6-dRG5rRadoSome fire Blues. Have you heard of this guy Shuggie?
Shuggie is fire!
Nice! I got like an hour and a half drive to my girl's mom's, so this'll be nice.
sounds so nice on the speakers. They did a fine job with it.
Shuggie is fire!
Yeah, right? I ended up listening to the album and I want the vinyl. Very crisp.
This might be some of my favorite production from Saadiq. Such a bop, man, like how??
This might be some of my favorite production from Saadiq. Such a bop, man, like how??
I have a feeling this is like a typical March for him in his recording studio. , like it's nothing for his studio process. I just get that feeling
I have a feeling this is like a typical March for him in his recording studio. , like it's nothing for his studio process. I just get that feeling
Forreal, it feels effortless. Good call. Homie definitely cruises in the studio with a ton of confidence and just drops.
wait til you hear Phone Call "Thissss is myyy phone call to yooooou baaaaybbaaay " both versions
That bass synth work is crazy
That bass synth work is crazy
interscope your splinter with pookie records will not be forgotten. all these projects sidelined. 😭😭
if you are just waking up to this , this lp was recorded in 1995 on the strength of a buzz of these demo tapes in Oakland. Raphael heard the tapes & instantly they were signed & this was going to be their first project on his label. But interscope changed distribution & it was lost in label politics.
Expansion records in the uk picked up the license to get these released. This was put out on cd & currently out of print. Also included in this drop is Otis cooper’s solo project. Which is pretty nice as well, he’s nice on keys production. It’s more D’angelo influenced. There’s another solo project as well - both Otis projects are streaming on apple, tidal, YouTube. Just type in Otis cooper & o. cooper. You will find both solo project’s streaming, 😎
@QueenAlexa i post music too, quite a bit. This was Sunday's drop, links are at the top of the post. I always try to feed drop fam. Let me know if you want the notify. This is a really nice one, fam. And it's out of Print.
@QueenAlexa i post music too, quite a bit. This was Sunday's drop, links are at the top of the post. I always try to feed drop fam. Let me know if you want the notify. This is a really nice one, fam. And it's out of Print.
so in dude
feel free to tag me whenever
will def check it out
so in dude
feel free to tag me whenever
will def check it out
you got it, fam. Probably friday or saturday is the next drop check in.