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  • Nov 22, 2022
    1 reply

    Sent you some yesterday, I hope that helps a little

  • Nov 23, 2022

    Sent you some yesterday, I hope that helps a little

    Thanks bro it does it really really does it’s a difference between not eating for a few days

  • Nov 24, 2022
    1 reply

    Ktt brothers and sisters i love y’all can someone DM me I’m not begging or anything just really really need someone to talk to please or can anyone text me i need to consult with someone

    I just came from my first doctors visit in maybe like a year or so and well

    I have a f***ing tumor on my spleen!!

    I didn’t think me stomach was a big issue for the past 8 months but ngl the past two months I’ve been vomiting and having a lotta mucus with blood in it still not to the point where I’d suspect a fckn tumor of all things but here we the f*** are

    I’ve been d*** and alcohol free my whole life really only smoking weed for my anxiety or smoking with bro during chemo even when my brody was still alive he would beg me to just go get the vomiting and nausea checked out but I always thought how could I be so selfish I’m not nearly as sick as him well now it’s catching up to me in this crazy St. Louis weather and the vomiting was nonstop today and the nausea unbearable look I’m not asking for anything else you guys have gone above and beyond with your words and your assistance I just ask that you please think about me no matter how small or big the thought is cause I’m as alone as I’ve been in my personal life you guys are all I’ve got I can send proof just so you guys know I didn’t just spring this crazy s*** out of nowhere my life is really like this man I’m blessed to be alive but I can’t say I have the best luck

    Thank y’all love y’all

  • Nov 25, 2022
    4 replies

    @op you should make a gofundme real s***. We could definitely spread things around and what not

  • Nov 25, 2022
    1 reply

    Ktt brothers and sisters i love y’all can someone DM me I’m not begging or anything just really really need someone to talk to please or can anyone text me i need to consult with someone

    I just came from my first doctors visit in maybe like a year or so and well

    I have a f***ing tumor on my spleen!!

    I didn’t think me stomach was a big issue for the past 8 months but ngl the past two months I’ve been vomiting and having a lotta mucus with blood in it still not to the point where I’d suspect a fckn tumor of all things but here we the f*** are

    I’ve been d*** and alcohol free my whole life really only smoking weed for my anxiety or smoking with bro during chemo even when my brody was still alive he would beg me to just go get the vomiting and nausea checked out but I always thought how could I be so selfish I’m not nearly as sick as him well now it’s catching up to me in this crazy St. Louis weather and the vomiting was nonstop today and the nausea unbearable look I’m not asking for anything else you guys have gone above and beyond with your words and your assistance I just ask that you please think about me no matter how small or big the thought is cause I’m as alone as I’ve been in my personal life you guys are all I’ve got I can send proof just so you guys know I didn’t just spring this crazy s*** out of nowhere my life is really like this man I’m blessed to be alive but I can’t say I have the best luck

    Thank y’all love y’all

    Bro did you have it checked to see if it has spread to other parts of your body? This is crazy bra how have been doing since the news.

  • Nov 25, 2022

    follow back and pm OP i'll talk to you

  • Nov 25, 2022

    @op you should make a gofundme real s***. We could definitely spread things around and what not

  • Nov 25, 2022

    @op you should make a gofundme real s***. We could definitely spread things around and what not

    Can someone help me make one ? I don’t even have a computer and this phone is janky as hell

  • Nov 25, 2022
    1 reply
    Don Whoreleone

    Bro did you have it checked to see if it has spread to other parts of your body? This is crazy bra how have been doing since the news.

    I got a gang of appointment the next two weeks Im getting an oncologist and I may have to get my spleen removed ASAP so it doesn’t spread the thing is I’ve always had issues with my stomach and spleen

  • Nov 25, 2022
    1 reply

    Tried to tell my fam and got accused of lying then they said I probably got aids so yea you can see why I’m distant from them cause that’s a ignorant ass take just cause my best homie was gay smh

  • Nov 25, 2022

    @op you should make a gofundme real s***. We could definitely spread things around and what not
    I did it thank you for the suggestion fam

  • Nov 25, 2022
    1 reply

    Tried to tell my fam and got accused of lying then they said I probably got aids so yea you can see why I’m distant from them cause that’s a ignorant ass take just cause my best homie was gay smh

    They thought you was involved with your homie or something?

  • Nov 25, 2022
    1 reply

    @op you should make a gofundme real s***. We could definitely spread things around and what not

    Yeah for sure. Damn, this is a messed up situation

  • Nov 25, 2022

    They thought you was involved with your homie or something?

    Yea smh ignorant asf they basically disowned me for being friends with someone gay you know how it is in the black community with these topics

  • Nov 25, 2022

    Bet @op bout to share on my ig.

    Hope s*** gets better mAn

  • Nov 28, 2022

    I got a gang of appointment the next two weeks Im getting an oncologist and I may have to get my spleen removed ASAP so it doesn’t spread the thing is I’ve always had issues with my stomach and spleen

    Follow back and pm brother

  • Nov 28, 2022
    1 reply

    I should of done a go fund me three years back too but anyway man I understand what you’re going through … I lost the best man at my wedding I know what it’s like to lose a friend to that sick disease. I took a gamble that went south and with the help of government aid and some old friends I bounced back. I’m currently in a position where if I can retire I’ll do it early. Best advice I can give you is hold on tight this is your fight ONLY you can bounce back from I love you

  • Nov 28, 2022
    1 reply

    I should of done a go fund me three years back too but anyway man I understand what you’re going through … I lost the best man at my wedding I know what it’s like to lose a friend to that sick disease. I took a gamble that went south and with the help of government aid and some old friends I bounced back. I’m currently in a position where if I can retire I’ll do it early. Best advice I can give you is hold on tight this is your fight ONLY you can bounce back from I love you

    Thank you fam

  • Nov 29, 2022

    Thank you fam

    Check pm

  • Emergency surgery Friday I’m shook

  • Dec 1, 2022
    2 replies


  • Dec 1, 2022

    Check PP

    Never got to properly thank you I appreciate you so much when I’m working and back on my feet you will be one of the first ❤️

  • Dec 1, 2022
    · edited


    it's only so much an internet forum can do tbh bruh. Any chance you have any contacts or any other friends or relatives that you could reach out to (I know you said family is estranged, but relatives too?) for help?

    Just cause, at the end of the day, we're all strangers on the internet and although as much as we try to help it's only so much one forum can do.

    There's also 2 subreddits dedicated to this where you could post your gofundme at (source of places you can share gofundme at)

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