Yes, we are in development on the next chapter - The Elder Scrolls VI. Even now, returning to Tamriel and playing early builds has us filled with the same excitement and promise of adventure.
Yes, we are in development on the next chapter - The Elder Scrolls VI. Even now, returning to Tamriel and playing early builds has us filled with the same excitement and promise of adventure.
I don't trust a f***ing word from these guys anymore. Starfield proved they have no idea what makes their own games enjoyable.
I don't trust a f***ing word from these guys anymore. Starfield proved they have no idea what makes their own games enjoyable.
You’re being ridiculous. Starfield was a new foray. Elder scrolls 1 wasn’t a classic, the series evolved over decades before it became what it is now.
They know how to make a good elder scrolls, it’s not some new, ambitious IP. Also starfield was half-baked, clearly needed more time, whereas elder scrolls has had a huge pre-production cycle.
You’re being ridiculous. Starfield was a new foray. Elder scrolls 1 wasn’t a classic, the series evolved over decades before it became what it is now.
They know how to make a good elder scrolls, it’s not some new, ambitious IP. Also starfield was half-baked, clearly needed more time, whereas elder scrolls has had a huge pre-production cycle.
Yeah and they have shown that putting in enough effort and time doesn't matter to them anymore
my expectations are low but we'll see
Im trying to, but TES is truly one of the GOAT franchises so its hard not to be hyped at least a bit
Im trying to, but TES is truly one of the GOAT franchises so its hard not to be hyped at least a bit
Can't get let down if you have no expectations Todd is f***ing washed
my expectations are low but we'll see
calling it now, you’re gonna be in here complaining about how “woke” it is
calling it now, you’re gonna be in here complaining about how “woke” it is
thats entirely up to todd
the acting like starfield is bad is played out
the game is good had some problems but people act like it’s the worst game ever
I don't trust a f***ing word from these guys anymore. Starfield proved they have no idea what makes their own games enjoyable.
Starfield was a failed attempt to create something new.
They know what they are doing w Elder Scrolls. No one asked for Starfield.
Starfield was a failed attempt to create something new.
They know what they are doing w Elder Scrolls. No one asked for Starfield.
True but it still speaks volumes on where BSG is at rn. Todd has too many employees, too unwieldy of a team.
True but it still speaks volumes on where BSG is at rn. Todd has too many employees, too unwieldy of a team.
Fair assessment, but they would have to be completely inept to f*** this game up. The lore of Elder Scrolls and the blueprint from the previous games is enough to create a 8.5/10.
If they put any effort to improve on Skyrim and go back to making the games authentic like Morrowind it will be a 10/10
the acting like starfield is bad is played out
the game is good had some problems but people act like it’s the worst game ever
the acting like starfield is bad is played out
the game is good had some problems but people act like it’s the worst game ever
People just held too high expectations of Bethesda and when they drop a B tier game instead of an elite transcendent experience it tanks their reputation.
They were still coasting off the highs from Fallout and Skyrim with the playerbase. Though after Fallout 4 most people should've knew better, but you had a lot of hype and expectations baked in after the microsoft acquisition.
the acting like starfield is bad is played out
the game is good had some problems but people act like it’s the worst game ever
I've never been more let down in my life
People just held too high expectations of Bethesda and when they drop a B tier game instead of an elite transcendent experience it tanks their reputation.
They were still coasting off the highs from Fallout and Skyrim with the playerbase. Though after Fallout 4 most people should've knew better, but you had a lot of hype and expectations baked in after the microsoft acquisition.
It didn't just not meet my expectations, it was aggressively bad. If you don't understand why then I'm almost jealous.
It didn't just not meet my expectations, it was aggressively bad. If you don't understand why then I'm almost jealous.
That's a fine opinion
I'd give it a 75/100 if we doing like metacritic
Has it's flaws, but it grew me, and I say this as someone that dislikes every game bethesda has made besides morrowind
That's a fine opinion
I'd give it a 75/100 if we doing like metacritic
Has it's flaws, but it grew me, and I say this as someone that dislikes every game bethesda has made besides morrowind
I could write a book on why Starfield is a 40/100
the acting like starfield is bad is played out
the game is good had some problems but people act like it’s the worst game ever