islam is definitely alot more backwards compared to most religions but overall i think religion is a good thing
when people lack religion i feel like they try to replace it with alot of weird s***
op watch this vid:
!"woke" atheists are f***ing jokes
deluded to the absolute max
world literally going to s*** because of "woke" ppl, corona , climate change etc.
corona broke out in large part due to taoist mysticism let's talk about it. evangelicals are also f***ing up the planet let's talk about it.
You are spitting facts op. Religious people aint gonna like this one.
F*** religion BIG TIME. F*** FAITH. World would be better without that dusty ass mentality.
world would also be better without hateful
world literally going to s*** because of "woke" ppl, corona , climate change etc.
Religious people think praying would solve all those problems while still acting like pieces of s***. It helps NOTHING AT ALL.
You can be a good person with our without religion and thats all that matters.
corona broke out in large part due to taoist mysticism let's talk about it. evangelicals are also f***ing up the planet let's talk about it.
literally HUMAN dummies misusing religion
youre thread title is just flat out wrong bro
if u said how ppl use religion is holding us back , I would agree
corona broke out in large part due to taoist mysticism let's talk about it. evangelicals are also f***ing up the planet let's talk about it.
Lotta dumbass pastors were like this s*** aint real
people debunked your reductionist materialist garbage time and time again through history but its funny seeing this stuff still
Lotta dumbass pastors were like this s*** aint real
dumb ass pastors = religion as a whole
yeah right
Pray all you want ain't s*** gonna happen.
That's your choice and I'm sure if (god forbid) anything happen to you or someone you care for , I guarantee you wud be on your knees begging god to make it right again. We all do eventually .
this is like a white American saying African Americans are holding us back
look they commit the most crimes in the US.......
youre logic is flawed as fuuuuuuuuuuuuuck
Lotta dumbass pastors were like this s*** aint real
thankfully a lot of those same pastors are dying from it now