  • Dec 19, 2024

    Now when new ones drop it's best to pretend they don't exist

  • Dec 19, 2024

    1. mbdtf
    2. lr
    3. yeezus
    4. graduation
    5. college dropout
    6. 808s
    7. donda
    8. pablo
    9. ye
    10. jesus is king

    Jesus Is King

  • Dec 19, 2024
    1 reply

    There aren't many actual Ye fans left on this forum.

    You'll find more actual discourse on Twitter, Reddit, and Tik Tok.

    Hell, maybe even Boxden.

  • Dec 19, 2024

    There aren't many actual Ye fans left on this forum.

    You'll find more actual discourse on Twitter, Reddit, and Tik Tok.

    Hell, maybe even Boxden.

    I don't use it anymore but it's by far the biggest actual forum like place where you can have convos about his music and him

  • He’s kind of rubbed me the wrong way for the last few years. I’ve kind of sadly outgrown him due to the fact that I feel like he’s regressing in all aspects of life these days. Maybe that’s where a lot of us are coming from and it’s why we don’t even bother to discuss him like that.

    The aura is just gone for the most part unfortunately. He’ll always be the GOAT artist to me though and I don’t see anyone coming close to his peak.

    That being said , here’s my rankings:

    1) LR
    2) MBDTF
    3) 808s
    4) Yeezus
    5) College Dropout
    6) Graduation
    7) KSG
    8) WTT
    9) Donda
    10) TLOP
    11) Vultures 1
    12) Ye
    13) JIK
    14) Vultures 2

  • Dec 19, 2024
    1 reply
    u ok jay

    1. late registration
    2. yeezus
    3. 808s & heartbreak
    4. donda
    5. the life of pablo
    6. graduation
    7. vultures 1
    8. mbdtf
    9. kids see ghosts
    10. the college dropout
    11. watch the throne
    12. jesus is king
    13. ye
    14. cruel summer
    15. vultures 2
    16. donda 2

    moral of the story, kanye pls dont make part 2 albums

    VULTURES 1 @ #7 DAFUQ?!?!?!?!?! jk u know i love u bro

  • Yeezus
    Vultures 1

    I didn’t even listen to vultures 2 all the way through

  • Dec 19, 2024

    My Beautiful Dark Twisted Fantasy
    808s & Heartbreak
    The Life of Pablo
    Late Registration
    Kids See Ghosts
    The College Dropout
    Watch the Throne
    Cruel Summer
    Vultures 1
    Jesus is King
    Vultures 2
    Donda 2

    and dont forget good fridays fire too
    and loose tracks like only one and all day ofc

  • Dec 19, 2024

  • Dec 19, 2024

    VULTURES 1 @ #7 DAFUQ?!?!?!?!?! jk u know i love u bro

    hahah it just clicked with me so well 😂 i know it's a wild take

  • Dec 20, 2024

    wasteland :(
    kanye aura was so incredible in 2016 when i was a full fan. couldn't think of anything but kanye. i dont even listen to any of his albums anymore or the unreleased compilations I made.

  • Dec 22, 2024

    just smoked 3gs to yeezus i am a god

  • Dec 22, 2024

    Ye West Vultures Duology

  • Dec 31, 2024
    1 reply

    If niggas are going to count Donda 2 as a canon project, then GOOD Fridays should be treated as canon too since both of them are demo tapes where the majority of songs can't be streamed.

    List is a combo of my preference and some factored in objectivity.

    1. MBDTF
    2. Late Registration
    3. College Dropout
    4. Graduation
    5. Yeezus
    6. 808's
    8. GOOD Fridays
    9. Donda
    10. Kids See Ghosts
    11. Watch The Throne
    12. Ye
    13. Cruel Summer
    14. Vultures 1
    15. Jesus Is King
    16. Donda 2
    17. Vultures 2

    Still a pretty damn good catalog overall despite 15-17 being unfinished duds.

  • Dec 31, 2024
    3 replies

    What is there left to say about Ye, the fat Nazi?

    I'll forever love and cherish the amazing work Kanye West gave us from 2004 - 2021, but unless he makes strides as a person, including apologizing and denouncing the incredibly harmful s*** he said in the fall of 2022 there's no point in talking about him imo.

  • Jan 1
    1 reply

    What is there left to say about Ye, the fat Nazi?

    I'll forever love and cherish the amazing work Kanye West gave us from 2004 - 2021, but unless he makes strides as a person, including apologizing and denouncing the incredibly harmful s*** he said in the fall of 2022 there's no point in talking about him imo.

    He technically apologized for that in Hebrew but his current persona is still much more erratic than it's been in years.

  • Going to do all I consider canon
    1. Yeezus
    2. MBDTF
    3. 808s
    4. Pablo
    5. Donda
    6. Graduation
    7. Late Registration
    8. KSG
    9. Yandhi/Jesus is king/JIK 2
    10. Vultures 1
    11. Ye or College Dropout
    12. Donda 2
    13. WTT
    14. Vultures 2
    15. Cruel Summer
    16. Jesus is born

  • Bobby_96

    If niggas are going to count Donda 2 as a canon project, then GOOD Fridays should be treated as canon too since both of them are demo tapes where the majority of songs can't be streamed.

    List is a combo of my preference and some factored in objectivity.

    1. MBDTF
    2. Late Registration
    3. College Dropout
    4. Graduation
    5. Yeezus
    6. 808's
    8. GOOD Fridays
    9. Donda
    10. Kids See Ghosts
    11. Watch The Throne
    12. Ye
    13. Cruel Summer
    14. Vultures 1
    15. Jesus Is King
    16. Donda 2
    17. Vultures 2

    Still a pretty damn good catalog overall despite 15-17 being unfinished duds.

    If your counting Donda 2 and Good Friday’s you might aswell throw in JIK 2 (it’s fully completed) and Yandhi (it’s more finished then Donda 2)

  • Most of us have been using this site for almost a decade now theres not much left to discuss

  • Jan 2
    1 reply

    He technically apologized for that in Hebrew but his current persona is still much more erratic than it's been in years.

    … and then he released an album with the following bars:

    Keep a few Jews on the staff now


    Got my kids in a fake school, we ain't—(Jewish b****)


    How I'm anti-Semitic? I just f***ed a Jewish b****

    So yeah… this “apology” means f*** all to me. Bro is an empty headed contrarian that threw his career away for stupidity

  • chili

    … and then he released an album with the following bars:

    Keep a few Jews on the staff now


    Got my kids in a fake school, we ain't—(Jewish b****)


    How I'm anti-Semitic? I just f***ed a Jewish b****

    So yeah… this “apology” means f*** all to me. Bro is an empty headed contrarian that threw his career away for stupidity

    Tbh, those bars are pretty lightweight compared to his 2022 social media posts. In fact, they come across as ironic more than doubling down on it.

    Jay Electronica called Jews the "Synagogue Of Satan" on A Written Testimony and never apologized for it. That's a much more provocative lyric and many rappers have had provocative bars about the Jews for better or worse.

  • Jan 2

    What is there left to say about Ye, the fat Nazi?

    I'll forever love and cherish the amazing work Kanye West gave us from 2004 - 2021, but unless he makes strides as a person, including apologizing and denouncing the incredibly harmful s*** he said in the fall of 2022 there's no point in talking about him imo.

    he ain't fat no more take that part out

  • What happen to discussion, oh we looose it

  • 808oofjm

    VULTURES 1 album of the year, BEG FORGIVENESS song of the year