Brand got lazy, grow up and stop blaming white people for s*** getting f***ed up. In all reality, once OFWGKTA started rocking their s*** hardbody the brand was doomed to go mainstream. Not even knocking OF, just being real. Idk, it's corny to get mad people are collecting OD even if whiteback is corny.
Idk your energy better directed somewhere else.
Triggered c**
i mean ya it sucks that crowd is into it.. but i don’t think it matters if u personallly like it and you can style it well n alladat ☺️
suburb kids have been rocking supreme since at least 2010
y'all young as f***, people were saying this in 2012 from what I remember but probably even before that too
Odd Future did it. So 2011
People been saying stuff like this since Odd Future blew up in 2011.
But generally this can really be applied to fashion/streetwear/sneaker culture as whole.
Ever since the barrier to entry for this type of lifestyle and hobby went from young adults and people in their early 30s with expendable income, to 13 year old suburban kids who got good grades on their report card that semester and access to their celebrity lawyer father's credit card, whilst convincing his parents that spending $400 on a pair of Jordans was an investment and is showing early signs of entrepreneurship and I should really be a good and supportive father and use my position to help start my son's new passion and business by bribing the Migos into meeting my son and be his first client in exchange for 40% off my services and lawyer fees, heck he might end up getting a segment on CNN out of this. I'm the best father eve- WAIT WHY IS HE RECORDING HIMSELF SPEAKING IN FAKE PATOIS?.... takes breath... Not to mention the fact that Supreme doing those collabs with LV and Jordan Brand killed whatever sense of exclusivity they had left from an appeal standpoint, and-
I forgot where I was going with this, basically whatever you're willing to spend on a piece of hyped clothing or shoes shows how much you know about said item and it's brand. And I feel like that speaks on the more broader issue with today's culture.
Cause you'll have that Complex sneaker shopping show tell you that a celebrity spent $347 on a pair of 2019 Shadow 1s, and the "normie" that don't know any better is looking at this not realizing that a brand new pair usually goes for $225 on Grailed. I've met people who were genuinely convinced that a pair of Yeezys retail for $700.
One time I wore my Supreme x Akira hoodie at a mall, and had several dudes casually walk past me, pointing and going YooOOoo tHAt DUde GOt On a$300 jACkeT oN"
Supreme ruined by by getting lazy in their designs then when there is one good design they have to ruin it by putting some cringy s*** on it. I also hate how they stop making stuff that reference sub culture stuff and just make cringy tees. It’s like they know the new people That are into supreme don’t listen to older music or watch older movies so they make tees that have stupid bullshit on them kinda it’s like their mocking their new customers
Supremes dead because it became oversaturated like most thing,not cause rich kids. When you can walk into a mall and see a kiosk selling a huge box logo tee with DBZ characters on it,you know s*** has gotten lame and too mainstream.
Their graphic execution has been trash and i feel like theres been overall a lot less effort into pieces its like theyre parodying themselves