anyone peeped solar opposites?
anyone peeped solar opposites?
only saw the first episode, its really just rick and morty rehashed nothing interesting. Think of the most boring rick and morty episode you saw and the pilot is that and much worse lol
only saw the first episode, its really just rick and morty rehashed nothing interesting. Think of the most boring rick and morty episode you saw and the pilot is that and much worse lol
i disagree
only saw the first episode, its really just rick and morty rehashed nothing interesting. Think of the most boring rick and morty episode you saw and the pilot is that and much worse lol
you only watched the first episode my g it gets better
tbh the little people storyline in the show was low key more entertaining than the aliens storyline but you haven’t even gotten to that part yet
i disagree
crazy when ppl have such strong opinions on an entire series after watching just the pilot episode.
not saying this some goat cartoon but it’s far from bad.
I feel like you can make a template of every joke that is made on this show. S*** starting to become more predictable than family guy
crazy when ppl have such strong opinions on an entire series after watching just the pilot episode.
not saying this some goat cartoon but it’s far from bad.
yea i think it’s just an enjoyable fun show. to me it feels like a watered down rick and morty which in my opinion can be a good thing depending on your mood because sometimes rick and morty can be a little too much with it’s satirical elements
Storyline isn't weird and mind blowing anymore just some weird s***. Jokes are getting predictable and that poop joke at the end confirmed it. American Dad still the goat
I feel like they're being bad on purpose to get people off this show and make it a cult thing
I feel like they're being bad on purpose to get people off this show and make it a cult thing
how? Why?
season 4 is f***ing trash
rip rick and morty
Fr, how you have a hiatus go for so long and come back with all this gatbage
how? Why?
Harmon on record saying he thought the fans of the show were trash and didn't like how it's so popular
Harmon on record saying he thought the fans of the show were trash and didn't like how it's so popular
Only thing they achieving with this trash is making the actual fans stop watching this show. Only stupid people will keep watching this PoS
very funny to me. i liked it a lot
where can i watch last nights episode
where can i watch last nights episode
Google 'rick and morty season 4 episode 7' and look for a link I haven't seen / found it yet. I was talking about Solar Opposites