Didn’t know it was out
Couple sources on reddit, likely some torrents out there but looking for a stream, lmk if you find!
Feel like ill regret this but…
Anyone know where the new hd screener is streaming?
Martin always had the workrate
Eastwood always had the workrate
Malick had the workrate (post hiatus)
Lynch hasn't made a film in forever.
Kubrick was slow and picky. You might have 2 more films from him (AI? Napoleon?). Hell he might've retired. Look at Todd Field, his progeny.
Scott is a director for hire more than any of those guys
Yeah but the 1 or 2 movies Kubrick would make would have been amazing. If he thought he couldn’t make a great film anymore he wouldn’t have made any. So to say Kubrick would be making trash like this is absurd.
top 5 funniest line of the year
Classic line from a classic film I’m afraid
This was a strange one for sure but I really enjoyed it.
Very interesting story telling and I think Ridley rode the line well.
I don’t even know why I was defending this film so hard before it came out, I don’t even like Ridley Scott.
dunno why this even happened didnt feel like anyone took this seriously outside of vanessa kirby
One of the worst overhyped movie this year
Barbie better than this mid
What was bad about it?
I couldn’t keep up with what was going on with all of the jumps to different events but it was surprisingly funny