You know how in stuff like Breaking Bad, The Sopranos or The Godfather, you’re watching terrible people, but they’re kind of cool and you low key end up routing for them anyway? This is one of the few things I’ve seen that actually gets me to hate the main character. Not even by being especially evil, just by being a complete loser.
Napoleon is like if 2023 Will Smith was put in charge of an army. Just non-stop Ls. I swear to god he does like 3 things right the entire movie, and when things do go right it’s shocking.
big Ridley fan and huge Napoleonic history guy, just got out of this and it was a complete miss for me. offensively inaccurate for most of the characterizations/interpersonal relationships, but even beyond that it tries to cover way way too much ground.
gives absolutely no context for why or how Napoleon was able to accomplish anything that he did and just flashes through like a greatest hits of random s*** that happened in his life. somehow makes one of the most interesting figures in history seem like a dolt. love you Ridley bro but idk wtf you were on for this s***. it was well shot at least and had some really pretty sets lol
Kubrick would be proud
Kubrick rolling in his grave rn
You know how in stuff like Breaking Bad, The Sopranos or The Godfather, you’re watching terrible people, but they’re kind of cool and you low key end up routing for them anyway? This is one of the few things I’ve seen that actually gets me to hate the main character. Not even by being especially evil, just by being a complete loser.
Napoleon is like if 2023 Will Smith was put in charge of an army. Just non-stop Ls. I swear to god he does like 3 things right the entire movie, and when things do go right it’s shocking.
That's ridiculous cause he won more battles that basically anyone in history you don't fluke into that many victories back when every country in Europe had a seasoned military
big Ridley fan and huge Napoleonic history guy, just got out of this and it was a complete miss for me. offensively inaccurate for most of the characterizations/interpersonal relationships, but even beyond that it tries to cover way way too much ground.
gives absolutely no context for why or how Napoleon was able to accomplish anything that he did and just flashes through like a greatest hits of random s*** that happened in his life. somehow makes one of the most interesting figures in history seem like a dolt. love you Ridley bro but idk wtf you were on for this s***. it was well shot at least and had some really pretty sets lol
Bro I love how much Ridley Scott does NOT care and just talking s*** about ANYONE criticizing the movie
I’m shocked that this movie was actually… kind of funny? This movie just jumps ahead in big chunks, a lot. I felt the length, some stuff was inaccurate, but the performances from the leads were good and the battles were great in IMAX. This movie also taught me that Napoleon was kind of a freak.
Very curious how the 4 hour cut will land in terms of the pacing, as I'm hearing from a lot of people that the theatrical cut rushes through things quite a bit.
Very curious how the 4 hour cut will land in terms of the pacing, as I'm hearing from a lot of people that the theatrical cut rushes through things quite a bit.
Might be a 'Kingdom of Heaven's situation where the director's cut improves on the issues of the theatrical version
Gonna rewatch this when the 4 hour cut drops. I didn't expect this portrayal of Napoleon at all, so maybe my readjusted expectations, plus the added stuff, will allow me to enjoy this more.
Ridley Scott seems like a cool guy, and the battle sequences were dope, so hopefully I come around on this.
I didn't mention this in my first post, but the first battle was dope. I think I have a weird love for 18th century forts.
I’m waiting to see the 4 hour cut cause I’m hearing this is edited too much that it butchers the material. This is gonna be another Kingdom of Heaven situation.
this is not bad if the projections stay this has to be ridleys most commercially successful film in a minute
Why even release this version if all everyone seems to want is the 4 hour version and the theatrical cut apparently has holes that the director’s cut originally filled?
You know how in stuff like Breaking Bad, The Sopranos or The Godfather, you’re watching terrible people, but they’re kind of cool and you low key end up routing for them anyway? This is one of the few things I’ve seen that actually gets me to hate the main character. Not even by being especially evil, just by being a complete loser.
Napoleon is like if 2023 Will Smith was put in charge of an army. Just non-stop Ls. I swear to god he does like 3 things right the entire movie, and when things do go right it’s shocking.
This is the first thing I’ve seen that actually makes me interested in seeing this.