  • humey

    kinda underrated as far just filthy neo noir

    Inspired the Safdies

  • Damn RIP to a legend


    RIP. Very sad news to wake up to

  • Feb 27
    1 reply
  • legend. gonna watch The Replacements later.

  • Feb 27
    1 reply

    "the death of the two deceased individuals to be suspicious enough in nature to require a thorough search and investigation because the reporting party found the front door of the residence unsecured and opened, deputies observed a healthy dog running loose on the property, another healthy dog near the deceased female, a deceased dog laying 10-15 feet from the deceased female in a closet of the bathroom, the heater being moved, the pill bottle being opened and pills scattered next to the female, the male decedent being located in a separate room of the residence, and no obvious signs of a gas leak."

  • RIP

  • Holy s***, RIP to both of them

  • mov

    "the death of the two deceased individuals to be suspicious enough in nature to require a thorough search and investigation because the reporting party found the front door of the residence unsecured and opened, deputies observed a healthy dog running loose on the property, another healthy dog near the deceased female, a deceased dog laying 10-15 feet from the deceased female in a closet of the bathroom, the heater being moved, the pill bottle being opened and pills scattered next to the female, the male decedent being located in a separate room of the residence, and no obvious signs of a gas leak."

    Lowkey think Gene died a natural death and when girl found out she was so sad she killed herself with pills. She either gave the dog pills as well or dog just ate some from the ground

  • Feb 27



    That’s the first thing to pop up in your mind?

    No foul play so thats the next logical conclusion

  • Feb 27


  • Unforgiven and Hoosiers are two of my favorites RIP to one of my favorite actors and his family

  • RIP Ledgend

  • RIP

  • Feb 27
    1 reply

    Little Bill, top 10 American Film antagonist

    Very few actors could pull of the real bad-dude energy Gene had

  • He'll always be Lex Luthor to me


    Sidenote - Superman 2 and 4 are GOATED

  • Feb 27

    Very few actors could pull of the real bad-dude energy Gene had

    he could also turn on the charm real good, terrific actor man

  • Feb 27

    my dad called me about this, one of the few actors he actually gave a s*** about

  • Loved Gene Hackman. The best part of any movie he was in.

    The Conversation is one of my very favourite films.

  • Feb 27
    4 replies

    Bro how long were they dead??? Don’t they have kids who might have checked or called them?


    Bro how long were they dead??? Don’t they have kids who might have checked or called them?

    ...This is absolutely depressing. :(

  • Dude is a legend. RIP to him and his family.


    Bro how long were they dead??? Don’t they have kids who might have checked or called them?

    What the f***???