What does and doesnt qualify you as a legend is irrelevant the point of tge thread is to pay tribute and share fav songs
If you become successful young, make good music and sadly die you are a Young Legend in my books.
Peep really the only artist I fw from the whole “emo” sound or whatever y’all wanna call it.. I couldn’t really relate but I could just feel that kids way of expressing himself and that’s crazy. Talented af
Really wonder where he would be rn, with today’s current sound he could for sure been up there
They're all legends for good reasons
Juice wlrd was head of the latest wave of SC rappers and had the biggest cross over hit since so tour life. Plus everyone in the game f***ed with him and he put out an insane amount if fire in like a year
Don't even have to explain why Nipsey or pop smoke are legends they each were at the top of two of the largest hip hop bastions in the world. Real cultural leaders
Don't have to explain Mac
Peep and X are legends in the internet/SC rap world and inspirations to a lot of the new s*** going on.
Has there been an era where big/upcoming rappers have died back to back like this? Really sick of it tbh
They are legends tf everyone that listens to rap or even music in general knows at least x and probably a few more of these guys
Doesn’t make them legends man
Respect to everyone in this list, even though I think Peep was terrible.... but none of these guys are legend.....
Kanye, NWA, Nas, Jay, Wayne are legends
Drake and Kendrick will be in time
Not trying to disrespect any of these guys, Mac is one of my favorite artists, but none of them compare to the REAL legends of hip-hop..... and that’s not an insult
KTT throws the words classic and legend around way too loosely
@Mac_Wit_Da_Cheese aye bro check your PMs