  • Jun 29
    2 replies
    Mac Wit Da Cheese

    What’s misleading?

    This is the quote from the article:

    The electronics and entertainment conglomerate will also gradually cease production of optical disc storage media products, including Blu-ray discs, according to the sources.

    I don’t live in Japan … this doesn’t affect any territory outside Japan and since Disney just made a deal for physical media we should all be good

  • YunoKilometers

    The article only mentions that the Japanese production will cease operations. This shouldn't have an effect on the rest of the world.

    It won't have an effect for now but as time passes....

  • Jun 29
    1 reply

    I don’t live in Japan … this doesn’t affect any territory outside Japan and since Disney just made a deal for physical media we should all be good

    I see. Maybe I misinterpreted the article cause I read it as separate points: a Sony branch in Japan is cutting employees then the conglomerate of Sony electronics will also cease production on physicals. I thought it meant Sony as a whole company

  • Mac Wit Da Cheese

    I see. Maybe I misinterpreted the article cause I read it as separate points: a Sony branch in Japan is cutting employees then the conglomerate of Sony electronics will also cease production on physicals. I thought it meant Sony as a whole company

    I did too … I know the day is coming and I’m slowly preparing for it but I have high hopes now that Disney of all studios made that recent deal for all their physical media

  • Antidote





  • Urameshii

    I don’t live in Japan … this doesn’t affect any territory outside Japan and since Disney just made a deal for physical media we should all be good

    I hope but part of me thinks it is for now and it will one day change physical media entirely

  • Mac Wit Da Cheese

  • Jun 29
    Mac Wit Da Cheese

    Ok so looks like it’s just blank discs they’re stopping production of? My bad guys I was fooled

  • Aug 19
    2 replies

    eventually physical media will become obsolete
    face it

    that's what corporations appear want to happen
    and the studios i doubt even care about it
    same can be said for retailers who're already phasing it out

    so eventually we will rely on indie/boutique distributors
    and thrifting
    and eventually it will become a niche

  • Aug 19
    1 reply

    This sucks cause I like the bonus DVD content

  • Aug 19
    1 reply

    This sucks cause I like the bonus DVD content

    it's usually found online
    itunes extras is similar

  • i wouldn't call myself an active collector
    but i do have a good selection of cds, and bluray
    as well as cassettes

    but only for either nostalgic reason, or cool steelbook packaging for more recent releases
    but I'd rather simply rent or buy online than have to drive out to buy something or spend the same on amazon for the same thing I can stream instantly at home

    and I wouldn't care to buy recent cd's at all when I have apple music

  • steelbooks are so ugly to me tbh. if you're not buying physical media to simply have your library of films or to keep films from being wiped from existence then idk .... that's just pretty damn gay.

  • Aug 20
    1 reply
    alpha chino

    it's usually found online
    itunes extras is similar

    Not all of them

    A lot of Shout Factory extras are exclusive to the discs

  • mjpplus

    Not all of them

    A lot of Shout Factory extras are exclusive to the discs

    oh yeah those indie releases do they own thing

  • Aug 20
    1 reply
    alpha chino

    eventually physical media will become obsolete
    face it

    that's what corporations appear want to happen
    and the studios i doubt even care about it
    same can be said for retailers who're already phasing it out

    so eventually we will rely on indie/boutique distributors
    and thrifting
    and eventually it will become a niche

    Not for a long time, even if you stream in 4k, the bitrate on streaming is awful compared to a Blu-ray, and absolutely diabolically terrible compared to 4k, then we got 8k in the future and beyond. Internet companies basically have no reason to improve bitrate for the average person, and in the U.S. there’s little competition because a few companies own the market, which means there will be very very gradual improvements from here on out.

  • just bought hella dvds from Goodwill last night I love collecting man

  • Aug 20
    alpha chino

    eventually physical media will become obsolete
    face it

    that's what corporations appear want to happen
    and the studios i doubt even care about it
    same can be said for retailers who're already phasing it out

    so eventually we will rely on indie/boutique distributors
    and thrifting
    and eventually it will become a niche

    Planned obsolescence

  • maxxing

    Not for a long time, even if you stream in 4k, the bitrate on streaming is awful compared to a Blu-ray, and absolutely diabolically terrible compared to 4k, then we got 8k in the future and beyond. Internet companies basically have no reason to improve bitrate for the average person, and in the U.S. there’s little competition because a few companies own the market, which means there will be very very gradual improvements from here on out.

    8k is still bullshit. 4k already gives you an accurate presentation that mirrors the way it was released theatrically. You can already see the pores in a person's face and the picture is so clear it puts a spotlight on dated special effect techniques. what more do people want to see lol the herpes inside an actor's mouth?
