The US economy survived Covid because it did things that would bite it in the ass later
Short term gains over long term consequences. In this case both political and economic.
I feel like mfs been crying recession for years now. If the US economy can survive covid it can withstand anything and this is coming from a world renowned cynic. In the grand scheme of things this seems like a strategic ploy to sell fear and manipulate markets
I feel like mfs been crying recession for years now. If the US economy can survive covid it can withstand anything and this is coming from a world renowned cynic. In the grand scheme of things this seems like a strategic ploy to sell fear and manipulate markets
this recession is becuz of covid tho ?
Wish we were like china and just arrested these f***heads
Arrested is generous
this recession is becuz of covid tho ?
Supply chain issues , war, fed cutting rates and keeping them low too long due to pandemic
Supply chain issues , war, fed cutting rates and keeping them low too long due to pandemic
whered the supply chain issues start
whered the supply chain issues start
Covid shutdowns
Still on going as China has a zero COVID policy
And obviously all around the world there were shutdowns
This recession will be due to demand side contraction in the face of inflation
With a potential role for central Bank rate hikes reducing aggregate demand
No one needs to be shot, it's not caused by evil bankers, s***s just the business cycle
This recession will be due to demand side contraction in the face of inflation
With a potential role for central Bank rate hikes reducing aggregate demand
No one needs to be shot, it's not caused by evil bankers, s***s just the business cycle
lighten up jaden smith. we're on KTT2 a politics forum. one day you’ll grow up
This recession will be due to demand side contraction in the face of inflation
With a potential role for central Bank rate hikes reducing aggregate demand
No one needs to be shot, it's not caused by evil bankers, s***s just the business cycle
No shooting? How about the guillotine, then?
No shooting? How about the guillotine, then?
You'd have to guillotine literally everyone. No higher up has chosen a recession, why woukd they? People losing confidence causes this
You'd have to guillotine literally everyone. No higher up has chosen a recession, why woukd they? People losing confidence causes this
Everyone involved in this decision needs to be shot
Just because you aren’t actively plotting on the downfall of ordinary people doesn’t mean you aren’t knowingly and entirely neglecting those people for the sake of your own interests
Such apathetic and exploitative positions have consequences