L deserved for having a window in your bathroom and then being bold enough to leave it open at the beginning of summer lol
closes my balcony window due to fear
I’d have the same reaction
My worst nightmare
I feel for you OP
A flying roach when you’re showering, when you’re the most vulnerable you can be? Awful
I once had huge roach run by my foot as I was taking a s***
I didn’t wipe that day bro 😔
I think there are a lot of bugs people call cockroaches
People from New York typically do not consider what I consider to be a cockroach a cockroach
Thats cus niggas in NY got actual monsters they gotta contend with down there. Niggas be in studio apartments the size of clown cars and their roaches and rats be the size of AC units
your bathroom must be mouldy as hell b
I have one of those vent things in the ceiling clown
bit off topic but I hate how people especially out south be like “oh they not roaches they’re waterbugs” no you have roaches dirty b****
f*** roaches, I was staying at this hostel with a bunch of roaches and woke up everyday with bites on my legs.
I didn't think it was them but sure enough I wake up with a roach in my hair and on my leg biting these are some cruel monsters
come to find out roaches can bite humans when their population gets big and their food runs out