Still using hot dog fingers to invalidate the whole movie...
Add some whimsy to your life, bro
Sitting on a d**** is whimsy?
You got EEAAO over them?
It’s better then those two and it’s still not in my top 5
I’m talking about my top 5 though
I know reading is a struggle for you sometimes
Yes and you said “are those films not well received” to try and make your opinion more valid.
You gotta do better with debating on here fam.
I love Y2K
But it's not a good movie
Y2K was cool
The opening could’ve been cut down though
Make the end of the world part longer
And the limp Bizkit performance
Still using hot dog fingers to invalidate the whole movie...
Add some whimsy to your life, bro
Go watch Miracle In Milan and get back to me or some Buster/Chaplin/Lloyd
I love whimsey
Pearl and X is crazy
Haven't peeped these yet, but @twinkletoez is on notice
Y2K was cool
The opening could’ve been cut down though
Make the end of the world part longer
And the limp Bizkit performance
It's not a movie you could watch sober I'll say that much
seven pages already wild but in
Internet buddy didn’t wanna wait to sober up before posting on here
Internet buddy didn’t wanna wait to sober up before posting on here
I don’t need to sober up when you love arguing
yall realize this is all the same soft reboots and remakes moviemaking strategy aimed at the elevated movie crowd in part to make it look legit?
seven pages already wild but in
announced an hour ago and already at the same number of pages as both new Safdie movies
14th century? Would prefer 16th century, to cover the French werewolf hysteria (Pierre Burgot, Michael Verdun, etc)
Yes and you said “are those films not well received” to try and make your opinion more valid.
You gotta do better with debating on here fam.
I already said I hate everything everywhere, not just it’s a bad movie.
announced an hour ago and already at the same number of pages as both new Safdie movies
Terrible. Too many nerds on this site.
announced an hour ago and already at the same number of pages as both new Safdie movies
it shouldn't be this way
yall realize this is all the same soft reboots and remakes moviemaking strategy aimed at the elevated movie crowd in part to make it look legit?
Make a thread on it