Rockstar Games is so far starting to take down tweets with videos of the game... I wonder if the tweets with screenshots as well will be next
Leaked footage video got 3.6m views on YT in one day and it still feels like this isn't talked about enough
Someone on GTAForums said that “Do your research sounds like something a woke person would say but unfortunately its true”
The earth is f***ed
this is the game our kids will play for their whole lives and our grand kids may be able to witness a gta 7 trailer when they are living in an old people's home
You do realize if GTA5's source code gets leaked, a whole lot of people outside of Rockstar are going to potentially be in harm's way right? Like, that getting leaked may very well put at risk the security of the entire userbase of GTA5 Online
That’s quite unfortunate
It is... There's no way it's on PS4 etc. too plus a recent leak said they (Rockstar Games) are getting PS5 Pro devkits very soon which I guess means during September-November 2022 which is later than usual but it's happening so I think people should start already saving up for a PS5 Pro as the game should be running better on it and have less issues compared to how it'll run on the current PS5 console
Jeez the pro soon already?
Jeez the pro soon already?
There's some word about a Pro coming in 2023, but we've been hearing about a Switch Pro for a million years so who's to say
this is the game our kids will play for their whole lives and our grand kids may be able to witness a gta 7 trailer when they are living in an old people's home
They're not gonna make a GTA after this one, it will be a bunch of endless updates and remakes and updates only available for the updates. Honestly, you have to fundamentally change the chore of the games to add more than GTA V in a GTA game. Bigger stores? Is that even fun?
We don't realize how much of a gap GTA V was, but we know we've kind of reached a limit. The 00s was a crazy time for videogames—but in the next decade, we we had GTA V at the beginning and, at the end, Cyberpunk. Now compare GTA III to V. Same timespan.
Obviously, the formula works. They'll sell millions of copies. Unlike Bethesda, it will never feel completely outdated to run amok in a city, but GTA VI is doomed to be underwhelming, so I don't even see a GTA VII being produced immediately after. This is called the Elder Scrolls frontier.
Didn’t they mention that GTA Online is going to be moving forward with current gen only anyway? I don’t see them sticking it out for last gen hardware then, which would be more than a decade old at that point
GTA VI isn’t going to be underwhelming but they wont do another GTA for a long time after it dropped
GTA VI isn’t going to be underwhelming but they wont do another GTA for a long time after it dropped
15 year gen incoming
They're not gonna make a GTA after this one, it will be a bunch of endless updates and remakes and updates only available for the updates. Honestly, you have to fundamentally change the chore of the games to add more than GTA V in a GTA game. Bigger stores? Is that even fun?
We don't realize how much of a gap GTA V was, but we know we've kind of reached a limit. The 00s was a crazy time for videogames—but in the next decade, we we had GTA V at the beginning and, at the end, Cyberpunk. Now compare GTA III to V. Same timespan.
Obviously, the formula works. They'll sell millions of copies. Unlike Bethesda, it will never feel completely outdated to run amok in a city, but GTA VI is doomed to be underwhelming, so I don't even see a GTA VII being produced immediately after. This is called the Elder Scrolls frontier.
My post was about a 100 year gap lol
I think that might be a good time for a sequel
This kid has hacked uber samsung microsoft nvidia rockstar all from ages 16-18 wtf
Autistic genius.
This kid has hacked uber samsung microsoft nvidia rockstar all from ages 16-18 wtf
Autistic genius.
Damn lmao
whats the latest
whats the latest
Leaker’s dox is out there
Some 16-17 old kid responsible for Uber rockstar nvidia Microsoft and Samsung hacks. But on the dox they claim he is the front man / mule for the real hackers responsible
Leaker’s dox is out there
Some 16-17 old kid responsible for Uber rockstar nvidia Microsoft and Samsung hacks. But on the dox they claim he is the front man / mule for the real hackers responsible
I’m surprised there’s been little to no backlash for the female protagonist
Because the backlash already happened weeks ago
Leaker’s dox is out there
Some 16-17 old kid responsible for Uber rockstar nvidia Microsoft and Samsung hacks. But on the dox they claim he is the front man / mule for the real hackers responsible
Makes a lot of sense, you've gotta be 16 to think any of this is a good idea