Grand Theft Auto VI | Fall 2025 | PS5 / Xbox Series (no pc) | Jason S: “may slip into 2026”

  • Sep 19, 2022

    leaker like "I need a new dust filter for my Hoover Max Extract Pressure Pro model 60"

  • Sep 19, 2022
    2 replies

    i really hope this is next gen only

  • Sep 19, 2022
    2 replies

    i really hope this is next gen only

    It is... There's no way it's on PS4 etc. too plus a recent leak said they (Rockstar Games) are getting PS5 Pro devkits very soon which I guess means during September-November 2022 which is later than usual but it's happening so I think people should start already saving up for a PS5 Pro as the game should be running better on it and have less issues compared to how it'll run on the current PS5 console

  • Sep 19, 2022

    i really hope this is next gen only

    Zero chance it’s on ps4/xb1

  • Sep 19, 2022

    It is... There's no way it's on PS4 etc. too plus a recent leak said they (Rockstar Games) are getting PS5 Pro devkits very soon which I guess means during September-November 2022 which is later than usual but it's happening so I think people should start already saving up for a PS5 Pro as the game should be running better on it and have less issues compared to how it'll run on the current PS5 console

    no one can even get their hands on the base console still

  • Sep 19, 2022

    They also took down the crazy mapping thread too

    oh they mad mad

  • Sep 19, 2022

  • Sep 19, 2022
    1 reply

    Gameplay Details Compilation (NO LINKS)

    Here are some things i picked up from the new revelations. Feel free to add details and edit as i find new stuff.

    • The Dialogue system from RDR2 is making it's GTA debut. Prompts such as Greet, Threaten, Rob were seen in the diner robbery.
    • It seems that the players and NPCs can hold their guns sideways. In some clips Jason was holding his rifle sideways and turning it in the air. The black man that shoots at Jason in the parking lot is also holding his pistol sideways.
    • The player will be able to carry guns on their backs. I wonder if this means we only get 2 rifles and 2 pistols per person like RDR2?
    • The player can now tie people up as Lucia puts zipties on the hostage in the diner.
    • Map is located in Vice City (Miami) - looks huge, one video features a lake which IRL is quite far from Miami, perhaps the map features a bigger chunk of Florida
    • At least 2 protagonists, Lucia and Jason, switchable characters, looks like you can call them to help you e.g. when robbing places
    • New animations like prone, characters bracing in shootouts, an animation titled "overdose", animations referencing horses and horse riding
    • Redesigned weapons wheel with additional slots for cigarettes, medicine, trauma kit...
    • You can pick up/drop weapons, carry a duffel bag, looks like the weapon inventory will be more limited, lots of d*** dealing references
    • Cars have interiors with lots of detail and animations - seat, mirror, wheel, sun visor adjustments...
    • Robbing shipping containers, drilling locks
    • Open interiors like motel, metro station, restaurants, pawn shop (selling stolen goods?), supermarket..., references of functional elevators
    • References of RPG elements - food, drink, sweat, fatigue, animal taming...
    • Mountain bike ramps references, city bikes renting
    • Car damage looks to be more detailed, only 1 proper collision in the leak afaik so hard to say
    • Boat damage tests - perhaps it will carry over from RDR2? Loved the physics there.
    • Cloth (skirt) physics
    • Cops remember your vehicle model/plate, I hope San Andreas' respray to escape is not making a comeback lol
    • Small robberies are full of detail, NPCs reacting to everything going on, cops surrounding the place without entering blindly
    • A list of dynamic world events like missing tourists

    (more details will be added, give me your finds and i'll edit it!)

    here's all the items in Jasons inventory when he is at the storage container. Some items also said "Shared"


    Knife, Pistol, Pump Action Shotgun, Grenade, Flashbang, Molotov, Fire Bottle Smoke Grenade, Spear Gun, Compact SMG, Micro SMG, Assault Rifle, Hunter Sniper, Bolt Action Sniper, Golf Iron, Golf Driver, Golf Putter, Golf Wedge, Baseball Bat, Pool Cuestick, Crowbar


    Torch Flashlight, Flashlight, Binoculars, Tracker Jammer, Immobilizer Bypass, Auto DIaler, USB Drive, Lockpick, Slim Jim, Cutoff Tool (zipties to handcuff hostages also confirmed)


    • it seems that we will be able to stay in motels/hotels. one hotel is called is "Kington Hotel". And it seemed like there was a pool party with live music.
    • A chart labeled "Energy in the Grassrivers" is in a clip. Grassrives seem to be the Everglades. The wildlife on this chart includes alligators, snakes, raccoons, birds, frogs, bobcat?, some rodents. there are also symbols for plants and toxic waste.
    • the player can take hostages as human shields as seen in the diner when Lucia ties up the man. you can also loot bodies and carry bodies.
    • the player can shoot while swimming.

  • Sep 19, 2022
    big dog giovanni

    I understand it obviously wasn’t the devs decision to wait almost a decade for this game. Take Two wanted to milk as much as they could out of the online.

    But c’mon, you can’t expect people to hold that level of patience for such a long period of time. This was bound to happen at some point.

    Lesson learned for GTA7. Give the fans something to hold them over. 10 years is absurd.

    If you want a detailed game then you wait ten years

  • Sep 19, 2022

    Gameplay Details Compilation (NO LINKS)

    Here are some things i picked up from the new revelations. Feel free to add details and edit as i find new stuff.

    • The Dialogue system from RDR2 is making it's GTA debut. Prompts such as Greet, Threaten, Rob were seen in the diner robbery.
    • It seems that the players and NPCs can hold their guns sideways. In some clips Jason was holding his rifle sideways and turning it in the air. The black man that shoots at Jason in the parking lot is also holding his pistol sideways.
    • The player will be able to carry guns on their backs. I wonder if this means we only get 2 rifles and 2 pistols per person like RDR2?
    • The player can now tie people up as Lucia puts zipties on the hostage in the diner.
    • Map is located in Vice City (Miami) - looks huge, one video features a lake which IRL is quite far from Miami, perhaps the map features a bigger chunk of Florida
    • At least 2 protagonists, Lucia and Jason, switchable characters, looks like you can call them to help you e.g. when robbing places
    • New animations like prone, characters bracing in shootouts, an animation titled "overdose", animations referencing horses and horse riding
    • Redesigned weapons wheel with additional slots for cigarettes, medicine, trauma kit...
    • You can pick up/drop weapons, carry a duffel bag, looks like the weapon inventory will be more limited, lots of d*** dealing references
    • Cars have interiors with lots of detail and animations - seat, mirror, wheel, sun visor adjustments...
    • Robbing shipping containers, drilling locks
    • Open interiors like motel, metro station, restaurants, pawn shop (selling stolen goods?), supermarket..., references of functional elevators
    • References of RPG elements - food, drink, sweat, fatigue, animal taming...
    • Mountain bike ramps references, city bikes renting
    • Car damage looks to be more detailed, only 1 proper collision in the leak afaik so hard to say
    • Boat damage tests - perhaps it will carry over from RDR2? Loved the physics there.
    • Cloth (skirt) physics
    • Cops remember your vehicle model/plate, I hope San Andreas' respray to escape is not making a comeback lol
    • Small robberies are full of detail, NPCs reacting to everything going on, cops surrounding the place without entering blindly
    • A list of dynamic world events like missing tourists

    (more details will be added, give me your finds and i'll edit it!)

    here's all the items in Jasons inventory when he is at the storage container. Some items also said "Shared"


    Knife, Pistol, Pump Action Shotgun, Grenade, Flashbang, Molotov, Fire Bottle Smoke Grenade, Spear Gun, Compact SMG, Micro SMG, Assault Rifle, Hunter Sniper, Bolt Action Sniper, Golf Iron, Golf Driver, Golf Putter, Golf Wedge, Baseball Bat, Pool Cuestick, Crowbar


    Torch Flashlight, Flashlight, Binoculars, Tracker Jammer, Immobilizer Bypass, Auto DIaler, USB Drive, Lockpick, Slim Jim, Cutoff Tool (zipties to handcuff hostages also confirmed)


    • it seems that we will be able to stay in motels/hotels. one hotel is called is "Kington Hotel". And it seemed like there was a pool party with live music.
    • A chart labeled "Energy in the Grassrivers" is in a clip. Grassrives seem to be the Everglades. The wildlife on this chart includes alligators, snakes, raccoons, birds, frogs, bobcat?, some rodents. there are also symbols for plants and toxic waste.
    • the player can take hostages as human shields as seen in the diner when Lucia ties up the man. you can also loot bodies and carry bodies.
    • the player can shoot while swimming.

    The additional slots mechanic reminds me of Saints Row 2, I remember you would be able to smoke blunts and drink alcohol in that game lmao

  • Sep 19, 2022
    big dog giovanni

    I understand it obviously wasn’t the devs decision to wait almost a decade for this game. Take Two wanted to milk as much as they could out of the online.

    But c’mon, you can’t expect people to hold that level of patience for such a long period of time. This was bound to happen at some point.

    Lesson learned for GTA7. Give the fans something to hold them over. 10 years is absurd.

    GTA Online did hold people over. Y'all be so so entitled when if they had rushed something it would have been "its time to have that discussion about Rockstar" and I say this as someone who thinks GTA V singleplayer was overall aight not mind blowing and haven't given the online a full chance yet, but people have. They needed to learn by creating other games and seeing what worked in GTA online. No one forced or forces anyone to buy Skyrim or GTA V time after time but that is their work and they deserve to be able to port it to consoles for extra money. Consoles are lacking games that should serve as competition with the amount of detail because everyone got so caught up on film like narrative games

  • Sep 19, 2022

    Take two demanded gta forums take down the leak thread

    told yall that forum getting wiped

  • Take three

  • Sep 19, 2022

    a current concept by a user

    lake hoekeechobee in this b****h

  • Sep 19, 2022


  • Sep 19, 2022
    1 reply
  • Sep 19, 2022
    1 reply

    Rockstar not tapped into the culture if they dont give purrp a blackland radio station

  • Sep 19, 2022
    1 reply

    Rockstar not tapped into the culture if they dont give purrp a blackland radio station

    need robb banks

  • Sep 19, 2022
    1 reply
  • Sep 19, 2022
    1 reply

    he aint wrong

  • Sep 19, 2022

    he aint wrong


    wow that’s crazy ash

  • Sep 19, 2022

    Making a game looks hard. I wish i knew what i was really looking at with all that text on the screen.

  • Sep 19, 2022

    Imagine the meetings going on this morning.

  • Sep 19, 2022

    need robb banks

    All the way live>>>>>