One tweet this year, what about the 8 years before 😂. Why are you defending a company that has tried to sell GTA V 20 different times/ways and milked it as much as humanly possible
If gta6 sucks then this is valid criticism, but a lot of that gta5 revenue was put into rdr2 which is literally one of if not the greatest single player game ever
I have no problem with them milking gta5 if that money is being reinvested into building an even better product
Not to be dramatic but if this game gets cancelled ill have nothing to live for lol
Dislike all these smart ass Twitter accounts. Trying to give us takes like these to appear smart to strangers online. Bro do you even hear yourself talking cancel GTA 6??? Things people do for attention in 2022
September 2023. We are now looking at 2027-2028 the earliest
Bro you don't know anything lol
No I know they’ve been working on it but it’s insane that they haven’t made any announcements really to the public or shared any information to people who have waited almost 10 years
Rather they take their time than the usual delays again (which will prob still happen )
but that year wait between gta 5 teaser and trailer was insane
Dude had enough of the notifications and just hit approve
Bro was scrolling on TikTok and that s*** popped out of nowhere
Misclicked yes life goes on billions of dollars lost
"getting her taken away by the The Weeknd (to fuel the revenge arc)"
Def Jam: Fight For Toronto
Did we get any info on how aiming seems to work? Is it still lock-on based?
Was free aim at least in the footage they showed. But that shouldn’t be representative of how the game actually will be
any updates? guy got 5 stars irl or nah?
Apparently he‘s 17, has autism and is from Spain lmao
Apparently he‘s 17, has autism and is from Spain lmao
Imagine being a whole ass corporation and getting extorted by an autistic spanish teenager
it’s funny seeing people say 9 years of work as if they’ve had people actively coding this since gta v dropped lol
who knows how long they spent on other bts stuff like basic storyline, script, character and world designs
if they’re really doing bonnie & clyde i hope this doesn’t end with the characters dying
i feel like this game is gonna have the best GTA story to date, gta stories have always been a gold standard and with the ps5 there’s so many new storytelling opportunities
i dunno thats probably not even him im just trying to move the thread 3 more pages
Actually surprised already. I thought it's going to be smaller. It's kinda already confirmed that this will be bigger than GTA V
They confirmed it’d be bigger than gta 5 like a year ago that’s not news
I don’t understand what this is supposed to represent
coordinates from Gta 6 layered onto los santos from gta 5 showcasing the size of the new map
You should be able to fly to other cities
Didn’t they say you’ll be able to fly to parts of Cuba and somewhere else in the story
coordinates from Gta 6 layered onto los santos from gta 5 showcasing the size of the new map
Looks like it’s just shaped different then. Not that much bigger just slightly bigger and wider horizontally instead of vertically