wouldn't call it great or good, but SA was nice
agree tho, these games aren't about plot, i don't even think red dead series plot is that great but niggas on here love rdr2
RDR2 made me tear up ngl
Best game ever made
This is the most convincing leak I’ve read so far from Reddit. reddit.com/user/GTA_VI_Leak/comments/vl7e54/gta_vi_online_leak/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf
After two years of painfully disappointing people because I didn’t have any information on GTA VI’s online mode, that is finally starting to change. This is everything I haven’t mentioned before that I know about GTA VI’s online. I do not know any more than this, so may struggle to answer any questions about online.
NOTE: I still do not know what the new online will be called.
!Online is set just after the single player as large factions like Los Perros Locos and the Von Crastenburg family are in a deep transitional period.!
!You have 4 different online characters, each with their own story and roles.!
One online character is a low ranking member of El Tercer Ojo from South America, one is a new DOA agent from Vice City, one is a gangbanger (you can choose Ballas or Families) and the other a member of the Von Crastenburg family.!
!Character switching is non-invasive (doesn’t require going into the pause menu) but does switch lobbies.!
Each character’s money and assets are separated.!
Each character has story missions.!
The currency in VI’s online has been deflated back down to a realistic level. Things are cheaper but money is harder to come buy.
Reputation points return.!
Your reputation points can be lowered by some actions.
Rather than starting an empire like VI and O, the main aim of VI’s online is to build up your reputation.
!All online story missions can be played solo or with friends.!
As a DOA agent, you build up your reputation in the story by chipping away at El Tercer Ojo cartel, arresting members, assassinating members and performing large operations.!
!As the cartel member, you build your reputation in the story by smuggling d****, having shootouts with Los Perros Locos and running guns.!
As the Ballas member, you build up your reputation in the story by selling d**** and having shootouts with rival gangs.!
As the Von Crastenburg member, you build up your reputation by forming (through crime) legitimate businesses.!
!The North and South take place in different lobbies. Trying to go from one side to the other will zoom you and switch lobbies.!
!Each session has a maximum of 100 players.!
!When arrested by a DOA agent, gangbangers and cartel members go to jail.!
!As gangbangers and cartel members commit crimes they’ll have to spend longer in jail when arrested. Crimes have a cumulative effect. The minimum time in jail is one minute. The maximum is 48 minutes.!
DOA agents and Von Crastenburgs cannot go to jail.!
!In jail, you can fight and kill players in enemy gangs to earn a greater boost in reputation (gangbangers only).!
!If your reputation level is high, a guard will slide you a shank when you get to jail.!
!When arrested you can post bail to be released. This comes at a hefty price dependant on your sentence.!
!Traffic laws still exist online.!
You can change your characters weight and physique by eating more, eating less and working out.!
!When building your character(s) you can choose their height (I don’t know what the limits are).!
!You can only switch from one gang (Families and Ballas) to the other by resetting your wealth, assets and reputation.!
As the DOA agent, you can arrest players in El Tercer Ojo and the gangbangers when you see them committing crimes to gain reputation.!
!As the DOA agent, killing NPCs and other players will lower your reputation.!
You cannot gain a wanted level!
!Each time your reputation rank increases, you’re paid your salary (note: this is only true for the first time you reach this rank - decreasing and increasing your reputation points to switch ranks does not mean your salary is repaid. Salary increases with each level.!
!As your reputation rank increases, you unlock new perks like calling for air support.!
!As the gangbanger, you can kill and disrupt the business of the members of the other gang and capture territory to gain reputation.!
!As the gangbanger, killing members of your own gang will greatly lower your reputation.!
!As a gangbanger, the territory divides in Carcer City are presented in the map with colored boarders (similar to GTA San Andreas) showing who’s territory you’re on.!
!As a gangbanger, one block from each gang’s territories that touches the other gang’s blinks red (like GTA Sam Andreas). These territories are contested.!
!Killing members of the other gang in contested areas increases your gang’s ‘influence’ by one point.!
!As a gangbanger, every 24 hours (real time) the gang with the most influence wins the other gang’s set. Influence is then reset to zero.!
The Ballas and Families are from opposite sides of Carcer City and each have a “home turf” on either side that can never be taken.!
!Territories are the same across every session on your console (all players on Xbox, regardless of their lobby, have the same territory and share influence points, while PC players will have their own territories and influence points, for example).!
As a gangbanger, killing enemies in non contested blocks will still increase your reputation, but will not impact your influence.!
!As a gangbanger, you can sell d**** to earn cash.Drugs can only be sold in territories your gang owns the more calls you’ll get asking for product.!
Gangbangers must first buy d**** from their contact before selling them.!
!If you die when holding d**** you drop them and they can be picked up by any other gangbanger.!
!You can stand still on your territory to shot d****. NPCs will come up to you asking for product which you can sell to them.
!You will often get calls or texts from NPCs in your territory wanting product. If you accept their request you’ll have to travel to them but the orders are larger and you’ll learn considerably more.!
!Getting killed by a rival gang member will lower your reputation. Being killed by somebody of the same gang will not.!
!The amount and type of d**** you can buy depends on your reputation.!
!The guns and ammo you can buy depends on your reputation.!
!Every 48 minutes spent wearing your gang’s colors and/or driving a car with your gang’s colors slightly increases your reputation!
!Every 48 minutes spent driving expensive cars or custom lowriders will slightly increase your reputation.!
m!Each territory block has its own mission that can be done (go there for the mission). This mission is only available if you own that territory. The further away the territory from your home turf, the better it pays and the more reputation it grants. You cannot play the missions from contested territories.!
There is a global leaderboard (separated by platform) where you can compare your total influence earned (all time) to others.!
If you die, you will respawn on your turf.!
!As your reputation increases, you unlock perks like calling upon an army of NPC gang members to follow and protect you.!
!As a Von Crastenburg, you start with $1,000,000.!
!You cannot gain a wanted level, but committing crimes lowers your reputation.!
!The only character that can own businesses.!
!You can own legitimate and criminal enterprises.!
!20% of every single dollar you earn ($5+) is paid up to Vivian Von Crastenburg.!
!As your reputation level increases, you unlock new perks like hit squads and bodyguards.!
!Cartel members have access to the best weapons.!
!You can smuggle d**** and guns from South America to the Glazers.!
You can earn reputation by killing Los Perros Locos members at their camps across South America.!
!You will lose reputation by killing DOA agents.!
You earn a lot of money by smuggling.!
!As your reputation level increases, you gain access to better products and can buy better weapons.!
!As your reputation level increases, the larger the smuggling operations will be (as your rank increases, it’s recommended to team up with multiple players).!
This is the most convincing leak I’ve read so far from Reddit. https://www.reddit.com/user/GTA_VI_Leak/comments/vl7e54/gta_vi_online_leak/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf
After two years of painfully disappointing people because I didn’t have any information on GTA VI’s online mode, that is finally starting to change. This is everything I haven’t mentioned before that I know about GTA VI’s online. I do not know any more than this, so may struggle to answer any questions about online.
NOTE: I still do not know what the new online will be called.
!Online is set just after the single player as large factions like Los Perros Locos and the Von Crastenburg family are in a deep transitional period.!
!You have 4 different online characters, each with their own story and roles.!
One online character is a low ranking member of El Tercer Ojo from South America, one is a new DOA agent from Vice City, one is a gangbanger (you can choose Ballas or Families) and the other a member of the Von Crastenburg family.!
!Character switching is non-invasive (doesn’t require going into the pause menu) but does switch lobbies.!
Each character’s money and assets are separated.!
Each character has story missions.!
The currency in VI’s online has been deflated back down to a realistic level. Things are cheaper but money is harder to come buy.
Reputation points return.!
Your reputation points can be lowered by some actions.
Rather than starting an empire like VI and O, the main aim of VI’s online is to build up your reputation.
!All online story missions can be played solo or with friends.!
As a DOA agent, you build up your reputation in the story by chipping away at El Tercer Ojo cartel, arresting members, assassinating members and performing large operations.!
!As the cartel member, you build your reputation in the story by smuggling d****, having shootouts with Los Perros Locos and running guns.!
As the Ballas member, you build up your reputation in the story by selling d**** and having shootouts with rival gangs.!
As the Von Crastenburg member, you build up your reputation by forming (through crime) legitimate businesses.!
!The North and South take place in different lobbies. Trying to go from one side to the other will zoom you and switch lobbies.!
!Each session has a maximum of 100 players.!
!When arrested by a DOA agent, gangbangers and cartel members go to jail.!
!As gangbangers and cartel members commit crimes they’ll have to spend longer in jail when arrested. Crimes have a cumulative effect. The minimum time in jail is one minute. The maximum is 48 minutes.!
DOA agents and Von Crastenburgs cannot go to jail.!
!In jail, you can fight and kill players in enemy gangs to earn a greater boost in reputation (gangbangers only).!
!If your reputation level is high, a guard will slide you a shank when you get to jail.!
!When arrested you can post bail to be released. This comes at a hefty price dependant on your sentence.!
!Traffic laws still exist online.!
You can change your characters weight and physique by eating more, eating less and working out.!
!When building your character(s) you can choose their height (I don’t know what the limits are).!
!You can only switch from one gang (Families and Ballas) to the other by resetting your wealth, assets and reputation.!
As the DOA agent, you can arrest players in El Tercer Ojo and the gangbangers when you see them committing crimes to gain reputation.!
!As the DOA agent, killing NPCs and other players will lower your reputation.!
You cannot gain a wanted level!
!Each time your reputation rank increases, you’re paid your salary (note: this is only true for the first time you reach this rank - decreasing and increasing your reputation points to switch ranks does not mean your salary is repaid. Salary increases with each level.!
!As your reputation rank increases, you unlock new perks like calling for air support.!
!As the gangbanger, you can kill and disrupt the business of the members of the other gang and capture territory to gain reputation.!
!As the gangbanger, killing members of your own gang will greatly lower your reputation.!
!As a gangbanger, the territory divides in Carcer City are presented in the map with colored boarders (similar to GTA San Andreas) showing who’s territory you’re on.!
!As a gangbanger, one block from each gang’s territories that touches the other gang’s blinks red (like GTA Sam Andreas). These territories are contested.!
!Killing members of the other gang in contested areas increases your gang’s ‘influence’ by one point.!
!As a gangbanger, every 24 hours (real time) the gang with the most influence wins the other gang’s set. Influence is then reset to zero.!
The Ballas and Families are from opposite sides of Carcer City and each have a “home turf” on either side that can never be taken.!
!Territories are the same across every session on your console (all players on Xbox, regardless of their lobby, have the same territory and share influence points, while PC players will have their own territories and influence points, for example).!
As a gangbanger, killing enemies in non contested blocks will still increase your reputation, but will not impact your influence.!
!As a gangbanger, you can sell d**** to earn cash.Drugs can only be sold in territories your gang owns the more calls you’ll get asking for product.!
Gangbangers must first buy d**** from their contact before selling them.!
!If you die when holding d**** you drop them and they can be picked up by any other gangbanger.!
!You can stand still on your territory to shot d****. NPCs will come up to you asking for product which you can sell to them.
!You will often get calls or texts from NPCs in your territory wanting product. If you accept their request you’ll have to travel to them but the orders are larger and you’ll learn considerably more.!
!Getting killed by a rival gang member will lower your reputation. Being killed by somebody of the same gang will not.!
!The amount and type of d**** you can buy depends on your reputation.!
!The guns and ammo you can buy depends on your reputation.!
!Every 48 minutes spent wearing your gang’s colors and/or driving a car with your gang’s colors slightly increases your reputation!
!Every 48 minutes spent driving expensive cars or custom lowriders will slightly increase your reputation.!
m!Each territory block has its own mission that can be done (go there for the mission). This mission is only available if you own that territory. The further away the territory from your home turf, the better it pays and the more reputation it grants. You cannot play the missions from contested territories.!
There is a global leaderboard (separated by platform) where you can compare your total influence earned (all time) to others.!
If you die, you will respawn on your turf.!
!As your reputation increases, you unlock perks like calling upon an army of NPC gang members to follow and protect you.!
!As a Von Crastenburg, you start with $1,000,000.!
!You cannot gain a wanted level, but committing crimes lowers your reputation.!
!The only character that can own businesses.!
!You can own legitimate and criminal enterprises.!
!20% of every single dollar you earn ($5+) is paid up to Vivian Von Crastenburg.!
!As your reputation level increases, you unlock new perks like hit squads and bodyguards.!
!Cartel members have access to the best weapons.!
!You can smuggle d**** and guns from South America to the Glazers.!
You can earn reputation by killing Los Perros Locos members at their camps across South America.!
!You will lose reputation by killing DOA agents.!
You earn a lot of money by smuggling.!
!As your reputation level increases, you gain access to better products and can buy better weapons.!
!As your reputation level increases, the larger the smuggling operations will be (as your rank increases, it’s recommended to team up with multiple players).!
just spent last two hours reading through this guys account
just spent last two hours reading through this guys account
His posts are so interesting and make a lot of sense too. Especially when you see how R* incorporated role playing roles into RDR.
His posts are so interesting and make a lot of sense too. Especially when you see how R* incorporated role playing roles into RDR.
if even half of this is accurate would this be one of the most historic leaks or was gta v leaked like this too ?
This is the most convincing leak I’ve read so far from Reddit. https://www.reddit.com/user/GTA_VI_Leak/comments/vl7e54/gta_vi_online_leak/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf
After two years of painfully disappointing people because I didn’t have any information on GTA VI’s online mode, that is finally starting to change. This is everything I haven’t mentioned before that I know about GTA VI’s online. I do not know any more than this, so may struggle to answer any questions about online.
NOTE: I still do not know what the new online will be called.
!Online is set just after the single player as large factions like Los Perros Locos and the Von Crastenburg family are in a deep transitional period.!
!You have 4 different online characters, each with their own story and roles.!
One online character is a low ranking member of El Tercer Ojo from South America, one is a new DOA agent from Vice City, one is a gangbanger (you can choose Ballas or Families) and the other a member of the Von Crastenburg family.!
!Character switching is non-invasive (doesn’t require going into the pause menu) but does switch lobbies.!
Each character’s money and assets are separated.!
Each character has story missions.!
The currency in VI’s online has been deflated back down to a realistic level. Things are cheaper but money is harder to come buy.
Reputation points return.!
Your reputation points can be lowered by some actions.
Rather than starting an empire like VI and O, the main aim of VI’s online is to build up your reputation.
!All online story missions can be played solo or with friends.!
As a DOA agent, you build up your reputation in the story by chipping away at El Tercer Ojo cartel, arresting members, assassinating members and performing large operations.!
!As the cartel member, you build your reputation in the story by smuggling d****, having shootouts with Los Perros Locos and running guns.!
As the Ballas member, you build up your reputation in the story by selling d**** and having shootouts with rival gangs.!
As the Von Crastenburg member, you build up your reputation by forming (through crime) legitimate businesses.!
!The North and South take place in different lobbies. Trying to go from one side to the other will zoom you and switch lobbies.!
!Each session has a maximum of 100 players.!
!When arrested by a DOA agent, gangbangers and cartel members go to jail.!
!As gangbangers and cartel members commit crimes they’ll have to spend longer in jail when arrested. Crimes have a cumulative effect. The minimum time in jail is one minute. The maximum is 48 minutes.!
DOA agents and Von Crastenburgs cannot go to jail.!
!In jail, you can fight and kill players in enemy gangs to earn a greater boost in reputation (gangbangers only).!
!If your reputation level is high, a guard will slide you a shank when you get to jail.!
!When arrested you can post bail to be released. This comes at a hefty price dependant on your sentence.!
!Traffic laws still exist online.!
You can change your characters weight and physique by eating more, eating less and working out.!
!When building your character(s) you can choose their height (I don’t know what the limits are).!
!You can only switch from one gang (Families and Ballas) to the other by resetting your wealth, assets and reputation.!
As the DOA agent, you can arrest players in El Tercer Ojo and the gangbangers when you see them committing crimes to gain reputation.!
!As the DOA agent, killing NPCs and other players will lower your reputation.!
You cannot gain a wanted level!
!Each time your reputation rank increases, you’re paid your salary (note: this is only true for the first time you reach this rank - decreasing and increasing your reputation points to switch ranks does not mean your salary is repaid. Salary increases with each level.!
!As your reputation rank increases, you unlock new perks like calling for air support.!
!As the gangbanger, you can kill and disrupt the business of the members of the other gang and capture territory to gain reputation.!
!As the gangbanger, killing members of your own gang will greatly lower your reputation.!
!As a gangbanger, the territory divides in Carcer City are presented in the map with colored boarders (similar to GTA San Andreas) showing who’s territory you’re on.!
!As a gangbanger, one block from each gang’s territories that touches the other gang’s blinks red (like GTA Sam Andreas). These territories are contested.!
!Killing members of the other gang in contested areas increases your gang’s ‘influence’ by one point.!
!As a gangbanger, every 24 hours (real time) the gang with the most influence wins the other gang’s set. Influence is then reset to zero.!
The Ballas and Families are from opposite sides of Carcer City and each have a “home turf” on either side that can never be taken.!
!Territories are the same across every session on your console (all players on Xbox, regardless of their lobby, have the same territory and share influence points, while PC players will have their own territories and influence points, for example).!
As a gangbanger, killing enemies in non contested blocks will still increase your reputation, but will not impact your influence.!
!As a gangbanger, you can sell d**** to earn cash.Drugs can only be sold in territories your gang owns the more calls you’ll get asking for product.!
Gangbangers must first buy d**** from their contact before selling them.!
!If you die when holding d**** you drop them and they can be picked up by any other gangbanger.!
!You can stand still on your territory to shot d****. NPCs will come up to you asking for product which you can sell to them.
!You will often get calls or texts from NPCs in your territory wanting product. If you accept their request you’ll have to travel to them but the orders are larger and you’ll learn considerably more.!
!Getting killed by a rival gang member will lower your reputation. Being killed by somebody of the same gang will not.!
!The amount and type of d**** you can buy depends on your reputation.!
!The guns and ammo you can buy depends on your reputation.!
!Every 48 minutes spent wearing your gang’s colors and/or driving a car with your gang’s colors slightly increases your reputation!
!Every 48 minutes spent driving expensive cars or custom lowriders will slightly increase your reputation.!
m!Each territory block has its own mission that can be done (go there for the mission). This mission is only available if you own that territory. The further away the territory from your home turf, the better it pays and the more reputation it grants. You cannot play the missions from contested territories.!
There is a global leaderboard (separated by platform) where you can compare your total influence earned (all time) to others.!
If you die, you will respawn on your turf.!
!As your reputation increases, you unlock perks like calling upon an army of NPC gang members to follow and protect you.!
!As a Von Crastenburg, you start with $1,000,000.!
!You cannot gain a wanted level, but committing crimes lowers your reputation.!
!The only character that can own businesses.!
!You can own legitimate and criminal enterprises.!
!20% of every single dollar you earn ($5+) is paid up to Vivian Von Crastenburg.!
!As your reputation level increases, you unlock new perks like hit squads and bodyguards.!
!Cartel members have access to the best weapons.!
!You can smuggle d**** and guns from South America to the Glazers.!
You can earn reputation by killing Los Perros Locos members at their camps across South America.!
!You will lose reputation by killing DOA agents.!
You earn a lot of money by smuggling.!
!As your reputation level increases, you gain access to better products and can buy better weapons.!
!As your reputation level increases, the larger the smuggling operations will be (as your rank increases, it’s recommended to team up with multiple players).!
This sounds about as legit as the rdr2 leaks that were legit
So names are probably wrong but the mechanics are eon point.
Just judging by how rdr2 and GTA 5's launch cycles were.
We might actually get an announcement next year.
Then it'll get delayed a year.
2025 GTA 6. Book it.
This sounds about as legit as the rdr2 leaks that were legit
So names are probably wrong but the mechanics are eon point.
Just judging by how rdr2 and GTA 5's launch cycles were.
We might actually get an announcement next year.
Then it'll get delayed a year.
2025 GTA 6. Book it.
The question is do we get it only one new gen or xb1/ps4 too
The question is do we get it only one new gen or xb1/ps4 too
It'll be announced for 2024. Then get delayed a year like their last two games and the emphasis of workplace culture now.
I just don't see them doing it for last gen. I think they really trying to push limits on this one.
The question is do we get it only one new gen or xb1/ps4 too
literally impossible with the scale of things how much they are invested in current gen already with GTA5
This sounds about as legit as the rdr2 leaks that were legit
So names are probably wrong but the mechanics are eon point.
Just judging by how rdr2 and GTA 5's launch cycles were.
We might actually get an announcement next year.
Then it'll get delayed a year.
2025 GTA 6. Book it.
Seems like it'll be 2024 or 2025 indeed
So Colombia?
Most likely going to be Miami mainly (given the player base setting, a lot of ppl might lose interest in a purely Latin-America setting), maybe a few missions in South America.
Rockstar dropped the biggest ball by not doing it in Toronto or Atlanta though.
Imagine getting a side-mission by Baka or Migos, or blasting back for NAV or Gunna at a club shootout. Imagine ya love interest being Chromaz or Rubi Rose. Getting her taken away by the Weeknd or Young Thug (to fuel the revenge arc of the story, of course). The final boss being Drake or Guwop.
Edit: I know I done fked up. Stop quoting this lmaooo
Rockstar dropped the biggest ball by not doing it in Toronto or Atlanta though.
Imagine getting a side-mission by Baka or Migos, or blasting back for NAV or Gunna at a club shootout. Imagine ya love interest being Chromaz or Rubi Rose. Getting her taken away by the Weeknd or Young Thug (to fuel the revenge arc of the story, of course). The final boss being Drake or Guwop.
Edit: I know I done fked up. Stop quoting this lmaooo
Glad you ain’t making the game
Seems like it'll be 2024 or 2025 indeed
They talking real crypto or like in game parody crypto?
The backlash is gonna be insane if it's real crypto
Rockstar dropped the biggest ball by not doing it in Toronto or Atlanta though.
Imagine getting a side-mission by Baka or Migos, or blasting back for NAV or Gunna at a club shootout. Imagine ya love interest being Chromaz or Rubi Rose. Getting her taken away by the Weeknd or Young Thug (to fuel the revenge arc of the story, of course). The final boss being Drake or Guwop.
Edit: I know I done fked up. Stop quoting this lmaooo
Getting cucked by the Weeknd or Young Thug.
Rockstar dropped the biggest ball by not doing it in Toronto or Atlanta though.
Imagine getting a side-mission by Baka or Migos, or blasting back for NAV or Gunna at a club shootout. Imagine ya love interest being Chromaz or Rubi Rose. Getting her taken away by the Weeknd or Young Thug (to fuel the revenge arc of the story, of course). The final boss being Drake or Guwop.
Edit: I know I done fked up. Stop quoting this lmaooo
This is the most convincing leak I’ve read so far from Reddit. https://www.reddit.com/user/GTA_VI_Leak/comments/vl7e54/gta_vi_online_leak/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf
After two years of painfully disappointing people because I didn’t have any information on GTA VI’s online mode, that is finally starting to change. This is everything I haven’t mentioned before that I know about GTA VI’s online. I do not know any more than this, so may struggle to answer any questions about online.
NOTE: I still do not know what the new online will be called.
!Online is set just after the single player as large factions like Los Perros Locos and the Von Crastenburg family are in a deep transitional period.!
!You have 4 different online characters, each with their own story and roles.!
One online character is a low ranking member of El Tercer Ojo from South America, one is a new DOA agent from Vice City, one is a gangbanger (you can choose Ballas or Families) and the other a member of the Von Crastenburg family.!
!Character switching is non-invasive (doesn’t require going into the pause menu) but does switch lobbies.!
Each character’s money and assets are separated.!
Each character has story missions.!
The currency in VI’s online has been deflated back down to a realistic level. Things are cheaper but money is harder to come buy.
Reputation points return.!
Your reputation points can be lowered by some actions.
Rather than starting an empire like VI and O, the main aim of VI’s online is to build up your reputation.
!All online story missions can be played solo or with friends.!
As a DOA agent, you build up your reputation in the story by chipping away at El Tercer Ojo cartel, arresting members, assassinating members and performing large operations.!
!As the cartel member, you build your reputation in the story by smuggling d****, having shootouts with Los Perros Locos and running guns.!
As the Ballas member, you build up your reputation in the story by selling d**** and having shootouts with rival gangs.!
As the Von Crastenburg member, you build up your reputation by forming (through crime) legitimate businesses.!
!The North and South take place in different lobbies. Trying to go from one side to the other will zoom you and switch lobbies.!
!Each session has a maximum of 100 players.!
!When arrested by a DOA agent, gangbangers and cartel members go to jail.!
!As gangbangers and cartel members commit crimes they’ll have to spend longer in jail when arrested. Crimes have a cumulative effect. The minimum time in jail is one minute. The maximum is 48 minutes.!
DOA agents and Von Crastenburgs cannot go to jail.!
!In jail, you can fight and kill players in enemy gangs to earn a greater boost in reputation (gangbangers only).!
!If your reputation level is high, a guard will slide you a shank when you get to jail.!
!When arrested you can post bail to be released. This comes at a hefty price dependant on your sentence.!
!Traffic laws still exist online.!
You can change your characters weight and physique by eating more, eating less and working out.!
!When building your character(s) you can choose their height (I don’t know what the limits are).!
!You can only switch from one gang (Families and Ballas) to the other by resetting your wealth, assets and reputation.!
As the DOA agent, you can arrest players in El Tercer Ojo and the gangbangers when you see them committing crimes to gain reputation.!
!As the DOA agent, killing NPCs and other players will lower your reputation.!
You cannot gain a wanted level!
!Each time your reputation rank increases, you’re paid your salary (note: this is only true for the first time you reach this rank - decreasing and increasing your reputation points to switch ranks does not mean your salary is repaid. Salary increases with each level.!
!As your reputation rank increases, you unlock new perks like calling for air support.!
!As the gangbanger, you can kill and disrupt the business of the members of the other gang and capture territory to gain reputation.!
!As the gangbanger, killing members of your own gang will greatly lower your reputation.!
!As a gangbanger, the territory divides in Carcer City are presented in the map with colored boarders (similar to GTA San Andreas) showing who’s territory you’re on.!
!As a gangbanger, one block from each gang’s territories that touches the other gang’s blinks red (like GTA Sam Andreas). These territories are contested.!
!Killing members of the other gang in contested areas increases your gang’s ‘influence’ by one point.!
!As a gangbanger, every 24 hours (real time) the gang with the most influence wins the other gang’s set. Influence is then reset to zero.!
The Ballas and Families are from opposite sides of Carcer City and each have a “home turf” on either side that can never be taken.!
!Territories are the same across every session on your console (all players on Xbox, regardless of their lobby, have the same territory and share influence points, while PC players will have their own territories and influence points, for example).!
As a gangbanger, killing enemies in non contested blocks will still increase your reputation, but will not impact your influence.!
!As a gangbanger, you can sell d**** to earn cash.Drugs can only be sold in territories your gang owns the more calls you’ll get asking for product.!
Gangbangers must first buy d**** from their contact before selling them.!
!If you die when holding d**** you drop them and they can be picked up by any other gangbanger.!
!You can stand still on your territory to shot d****. NPCs will come up to you asking for product which you can sell to them.
!You will often get calls or texts from NPCs in your territory wanting product. If you accept their request you’ll have to travel to them but the orders are larger and you’ll learn considerably more.!
!Getting killed by a rival gang member will lower your reputation. Being killed by somebody of the same gang will not.!
!The amount and type of d**** you can buy depends on your reputation.!
!The guns and ammo you can buy depends on your reputation.!
!Every 48 minutes spent wearing your gang’s colors and/or driving a car with your gang’s colors slightly increases your reputation!
!Every 48 minutes spent driving expensive cars or custom lowriders will slightly increase your reputation.!
m!Each territory block has its own mission that can be done (go there for the mission). This mission is only available if you own that territory. The further away the territory from your home turf, the better it pays and the more reputation it grants. You cannot play the missions from contested territories.!
There is a global leaderboard (separated by platform) where you can compare your total influence earned (all time) to others.!
If you die, you will respawn on your turf.!
!As your reputation increases, you unlock perks like calling upon an army of NPC gang members to follow and protect you.!
!As a Von Crastenburg, you start with $1,000,000.!
!You cannot gain a wanted level, but committing crimes lowers your reputation.!
!The only character that can own businesses.!
!You can own legitimate and criminal enterprises.!
!20% of every single dollar you earn ($5+) is paid up to Vivian Von Crastenburg.!
!As your reputation level increases, you unlock new perks like hit squads and bodyguards.!
!Cartel members have access to the best weapons.!
!You can smuggle d**** and guns from South America to the Glazers.!
You can earn reputation by killing Los Perros Locos members at their camps across South America.!
!You will lose reputation by killing DOA agents.!
You earn a lot of money by smuggling.!
!As your reputation level increases, you gain access to better products and can buy better weapons.!
!As your reputation level increases, the larger the smuggling operations will be (as your rank increases, it’s recommended to team up with multiple players).!
Read his whole page and got me hyped a rpg gta sounds perfect
Rockstar dropped the biggest ball by not doing it in Toronto or Atlanta though.
Imagine getting a side-mission by Baka or Migos, or blasting back for NAV or Gunna at a club shootout. Imagine ya love interest being Chromaz or Rubi Rose. Getting her taken away by the Weeknd or Young Thug (to fuel the revenge arc of the story, of course). The final boss being Drake or Guwop.
Edit: I know I done fked up. Stop quoting this lmaooo
Rockstar dropped the biggest ball by not doing it in Toronto or Atlanta though.
Imagine getting a side-mission by Baka or Migos, or blasting back for NAV or Gunna at a club shootout. Imagine ya love interest being Chromaz or Rubi Rose. Getting her taken away by the Weeknd or Young Thug (to fuel the revenge arc of the story, of course). The final boss being Drake or Guwop.
Edit: I know I done fked up. Stop quoting this lmaooo
First time checking this thread & now it’s the last
Rockstar dropped the biggest ball by not doing it in Toronto or Atlanta though.
Imagine getting a side-mission by Baka or Migos, or blasting back for NAV or Gunna at a club shootout. Imagine ya love interest being Chromaz or Rubi Rose. Getting her taken away by the Weeknd or Young Thug (to fuel the revenge arc of the story, of course). The final boss being Drake or Guwop.
Edit: I know I done fked up. Stop quoting this lmaooo
I dropped the biggest balls