Developers are also being cautious not to “punch down” by making jokes about marginalized groups, the people said, in contrast to previous games.”
no transphobic jokes??? out smh rockstar appealing to the libs
u not tryna see a thick juicy dr maimi latina bbl b**** in 4k?
Watch it be the plainest girl you can imagine
inb4 alt-righters make videos of them killing all the npcs wearing masks
This takes place in Florida not Commiefornia
TBH when I played GTA V the first time I took the ending where you kill Trevor because it made the most sense for me at the time. I didn't know Ending C was the canon one because it was like titled "suicide" on your phone or something.
Yeah I thought option C would kill Franklin so I didn't take it. I murked that boy Trevor lol
Watch it be the plainest girl you can imagine
oh i’ma customize her anyways 👨⚕️
i like what jason is saying here
rather be more depth to the world then big
Yeah I thought option C would kill Franklin so I didn't take it. I murked that boy Trevor lol
i like what jason is saying here
rather be more depth to the world then big
That's cool tbh. After a few years the GTA V map feels kind of empty, especially offline.
also jason confirmed that 4chan post from last week is complete fan fiction (no s***)
smaller map with more places u can enter >>> big landscape with f*** all to do
smaller map with more places u can enter >>> big landscape with f*** all to do
This the way forward, now that the technology is finally here..
i like what jason is saying here
rather be more depth to the world then big
I'm going to say its going to be a little bit bigger at launch than GTA V
Yeah I thought option C would kill Franklin so I didn't take it. I murked that boy Trevor lol
Originally Ending C would have killed Franklin and you would have played as Lamar for the rest of the save, but Lamar's voice actor Slink Johnson went to jail so they couldn't do it
This game will be unprecedentedly massive in terms of sales and impact on culture. We're in new waters in terms of how massive and hyped a piece of media can be... Insane.
Originally Ending C would have killed Franklin and you would have played as Lamar for the rest of the save, but Lamar's voice actor Slink Johnson went to jail so they couldn't do it
No way, that's crazy lmao
i like what jason is saying here
rather be more depth to the world then big
It seems they’re adding more interiors too.
I’m fine with it being scaled down size wise if there’s more to do in city
It better be next gen only too
Ain't no way this s*** on the f***ing Xbox One and PS4 lol.
Ain't no way this s*** on the f***ing Xbox One and PS4 lol.
It's gonna be on the PS6 and PS7 if Rockstar's track record is anything to go by
It's gonna be on the PS6 and PS7 if Rockstar's track record is anything to go by
Lmao FR 2026 release is what I'm anticipated tbh