Why did I move here? I guess it was the weather.
Wrong! You must of misheard! This random account on twitter says they took it out.
Any old characters gonna make an appearance you think?
Need Niko. I could see him moving out of Liberty City after all the trauma with Roman and the beefs and s*** and being a lowkey mf in Vice City, doing some shady ish on the side.
Remember seeing a FB post a couple weeks ago from a guy saying he was doing the voice of someone in this game. And described the character a bit.. maybe a police chief? i don’t remember
80's time period would have been crazy. But I guess I get why they're going contemporary...
no one cares abt all that bs. their goal is probably to outdo gta 5's online mode
Need Niko. I could see him moving out of Liberty City after all the trauma with Roman and the beefs and s*** and being a lowkey mf in Vice City, doing some shady ish on the side.
f***ing hell theyre trying to turn gta into disney star wars mcu s***e u better shut the f*** up or ur getting a knuckle sandwich buddy
f***ing hell theyre trying to turn gta into disney star wars mcu s***e u better shut the f*** up or ur getting a knuckle sandwich buddy
GTA III, GTA VC and GTA SA were all connected tho.
For example Salvator Leone was in 3 and SA.
Ken Rosenberg was in VC and SA.
Claude was in 3 and SA.
Catalina was in 3 and SA.
Paulie and Maccer were in VC and SA.