And niggas on here swear he’s irrelevant just because he’s not making music catered to soccer moms lol
And niggas on here swear he’s irrelevant just because he’s not making music catered to soccer moms lol
Perfect example of internet is not real life
He doing 130-140K same year Durk did 120K, Gunna did 85K, Thug did 87K and Yeat did 55K - to put in perspective
I respect his consistency. I think he's been selling the same first week for like the past 3 albums. If he wants to elevate tho, he'll probably have to switch it up or do more collabarations with other artists/producers
Gonna fall off a cliff in the 2nd week, Rod Wave fans are broke female teenagers, that's why he has barely any streams on streaming services except Youtube
Gonna fall off a cliff in the 2nd week, Rod Wave fans are broke female teenagers, that's why he has barely any streams on streaming services except Youtube
What the f*** are you talking about?
What the f*** are you talking about?
I'm talking about the truth anything else?
Gonna fall off a cliff in the 2nd week, Rod Wave fans are broke female teenagers, that's why he has barely any streams on streaming services except Youtube
He has the entire top ten on Apple Music except for number 1 which is the new Drake song.
Perfect example of internet is not real life
He doing 130-140K same year Durk did 120K, Gunna did 85K, Thug did 87K and Yeat did 55K - to put in perspective
Deadass. Rod is that nigga fr.
He has the entire top ten on Apple Music except for number 1 which is the new Drake song.
I'm talking about the truth anything else?
You’re not telling the truth lol. Rod fans are majority black men and women. And they go hard supporting him.
My uber driver earlier tonight was a huge Rod Wave fan lol i wasn’t really familiar with dude but he was playin his music all ride. Not bad
You’re not telling the truth lol. Rod fans are majority black men and women. And they go hard supporting him.
He must’ve never seen a black crowd when tombstone come on lmao rod wave can’t even sing his own song the crowd got it lmao
Gonna fall off a cliff in the 2nd week, Rod Wave fans are broke female teenagers, that's why he has barely any streams on streaming services except Youtube
He has 4 consecutive Platinum albums
You’re not telling the truth lol. Rod fans are majority black men and women. And they go hard supporting him.
And they broke as hell and only listen to his music on Youtube
And they broke as hell and only listen to his music on Youtube
And he still does units.
Beautiful Mind did 115K first week
750K+ in 3.5 Months.
And they broke as hell and only listen to his music on Youtube
Nigga now go to spotify and see if that nigga isn't occupying the whole top 10 damn near
And he still does units.
Beautiful Mind did 115K first week
750K+ in 3.5 Months.
600k in 3 months
Keep trying
look they’re using spotify streams when everybody knows that a majority of his base is on apple music like most rappers with his demo
600k in 3 months
Keep trying
? No one saying hes drake but hes definitley one of the most commercially successful rappers 2019+.
look they’re using spotify streams when everybody knows that a majority of his base is on apple music like most rappers with his demo
Total units >>>>> individual platform numbers / stream counts, always