You look goofy clowning his sales while your boy is in the same boat. Just saying b. You can keep looking goofy if you want.
Talking about somebody goofy when you all in here on that whining singing fat niggas nuts
rod wave aint even a hatable nigga like son does nothing to no one lmao
Fr lol bro just get in the booth and speak his reality and that’s it. You never see him in any drama or on some hating s***. He just give fans music and stay to himself. Unproblematic asf
Months, how long were those albums before it were released
Again just an example. He hasnt updated alot of things. And artists update sportatically / dont update everything at once. So just because its not certified doesnt mean it hasnt sold that much (or that it has).
But we do know he had 3 albums sell 1M in approx a year each. Which is great longevity
That track with 21 so fire it has to blow up
I hate it lol. One of only 2 songs on the album i didnt like. It sounded so forced from Rod and 21 verse sounded phoned in as f***. Lazy ass 8 bar
I hate it lol. One of only 2 songs on the album i didnt like. It sounded so forced from Rod and 21 verse sounded phoned in as f***. Lazy ass 8 bar
Thought I was the only one! Everyone keeps sayin it’s fire but that ain’t the Rod I be f***in with
Fr lol bro just get in the booth and speak his reality and that’s it. You never see him in any drama or on some hating s***. He just give fans music and stay to himself. Unproblematic asf
Is Rod Wave moving like Russ just forming a solid fan base who just f***s with his music?
he movin like yb
Months, how long were those albums before it were released
2020 ytd
rod wave, pray 4 love, April - 1,035,000
thats more than a lot of people his level
A misunderstanding
everyones done this
2021 ytd
march - Rod soulfly - 1,146,000
may - jcole offseason - 979,000
lil durk the voice - 980k + 23k + 66k (first two weeks of sales in 2020)
@op @powers_boothe
good for him man. i saw a video of him buying jewelry from johnny dang and he was like uncomfortably fat like i could tell he was uncomfortable i hope he gets his health in order so he could properly enjoy his success
Skinny niggas see a fat nigga winning and start seething
Nah man, I'm happy for bro, even tho I don't even bump his music like that lmao
Nah man, I'm happy for bro, even tho I don't even bump his music like that lmao
dude ur pharrell styled remixes r fire
757,298 3,372 20,686 952,422,384 148,228,467
750K+ in less than 3 months!
his whole discography is on vinyl now @op