  • Mar 16, 2020

    Thank god for Sony

  • Mar 16, 2020

    I wonder how much of PT was actually done. Imagine getting that and a new SH game? All I know is I’m definitely copping a PS5

    PT was Silent Hills iirc

  • Mar 16, 2020

    Kojima ending the series on a proper note with a the boss ww2 stealth game>>>>>>

  • Mar 16, 2020
    1 reply

    What exactly do you mean by this? I haven’t played Silent Hill since the first one and am curious what ended up happening to the series for you to say this?

  • too good to be true

  • Mar 16, 2020

    So the new Disney huh

  • Mar 16, 2020

    They better get junji Ito back for silent hills

  • Mar 16, 2020

    I feel like this is too good to be true but more MGS with Kojima and Silent Hill would be just too GOAT

  • Mar 16, 2020


  • Mar 16, 2020
    1 reply

    You guys really want this to be true

  • Why would konami sell there biggest franchises?

  • Mar 16, 2020

    This would be incredible. And given Konami dont give a f*** about seriously making games anymore it feel viable

  • Mar 16, 2020
    2 replies

    You guys really want this to be true

    — & you really don’t lol don’t be a hypocrite brother.

  • Mar 16, 2020
    2 replies

    — & you really don’t lol don’t be a hypocrite brother.

    F*** no I don't want this to be true

    I would rather kojima have his series back so he could make it multiplat, exclusives are cancer bro.

  • Mar 16, 2020
    1 reply

    F*** no I don't want this to be true

    I would rather kojima have his series back so he could make it multiplat, exclusives are cancer bro.

    I know you would so what i’m saying is when you have an opinion you understand that there are going to be people, with the opposite. Don’t turn this into some Sony fans are so tribal bullshit. Of course people want some exclusivity involved in something they invest $500+ in. You say Multiplat & “Exclusives are cancer bro” but then you go back to the Xbox thread & do everything you’re accusing people of doing in the Sony thread(s)Lol Its honestly ridiculous. You’ll be in here invested in what Sony’s doing. Then you’ll s*** on em but when somebody gets on your ass you ride the fence & say “I love both”. But then go back to the Xbox thread & say “Cmon guys lets stick it to the Sony thread. They’re laughing at us.” Like you’re gathering the troops I’ve been following it & I laugh at it.

    No shade, & i’m really not gonna do a back & forth. i’m just pointing out I peep you

  • Mar 16, 2020

    I know you would so what i’m saying is when you have an opinion you understand that there are going to be people, with the opposite. Don’t turn this into some Sony fans are so tribal bullshit. Of course people want some exclusivity involved in something they invest $500+ in. You say Multiplat & “Exclusives are cancer bro” but then you go back to the Xbox thread & do everything you’re accusing people of doing in the Sony thread(s)Lol Its honestly ridiculous. You’ll be in here invested in what Sony’s doing. Then you’ll s*** on em but when somebody gets on your ass you ride the fence & say “I love both”. But then go back to the Xbox thread & say “Cmon guys lets stick it to the Sony thread. They’re laughing at us.” Like you’re gathering the troops I’ve been following it & I laugh at it.

    No shade, & i’m really not gonna do a back & forth. i’m just pointing out I peep you

    I respect that you find the comedy lol

    I troll but I am mostly serious that I hate exclusives and how tribal sony fans are over that but I always try to look at it like "this is probably hilarious"

    I am an xbox stan tho no bullshit but I will have both so I don't miss out(wish I wasn't forced to do that btw but it is what it is)

    I will also probably to continue to do exactly what you correctly pointed out that I do lol

    Back to the topic at hand tho it would be a shame to lose out on 3 classic franchises all in the name of the console cold war

    Hella tragic

  • Mar 16, 2020
    1 reply

    F*** no I don't want this to be true

    I would rather kojima have his series back so he could make it multiplat, exclusives are cancer bro.

    this is implying that Konami plan to do anything with these IPs other than to use them for slot machines lmao

  • Rino

    this is implying that Konami plan to do anything with these IPs other than to use them for slot machines lmao

    First off they aren't selling there main franchises without closing down completely so this is pointless,but playing along

    Yes, I would rather they didn't sell to a monopoly so evreyone could continue to play these classic franchises that have mostly been 3rd party for years. Would be pretty tragic.

    Sell to a diffrent publisher

    Let's keep it a buck if the gaming industry had a checks and balances for selling IP like it is in Congress for buying companys than this would absolutly be vetoed lol

  • Mar 16, 2020

    — & you really don’t lol don’t be a hypocrite brother.

    He's a Xbox fanboy ofc he doesn't

  • Mar 16, 2020

    Silent Hill will happen, MGS/castlevania acquisitions won’t

  • Mar 16, 2020

    The chance of this happening is incredibly slim, but Sony is still going to come out guns ablazing next gen

  • Only in if Akira yamaoka is back doing the score

  • Mar 16, 2020

    f*** konami

  • Mar 19, 2020
    2 replies

    If Sony takes MGS hopefully they don’t remove Snake from SB