Never watched Rush Hour 3 but this is the only scene that people seem to reference as "funny"
It's not a very funny film lol
Does Jackie Chan even remember how to speak English anymore
crine what made me say this
I think movies in general peaked then. Was the ultimate combination of quality and budgeting. Streaming has been super convenient but hard to argue it didn’t kinda ruin films.
I heard it's because there's no such thing as "mid budget" anymore. Mid budget was easy to gamble with. Now, it's either low budget (you won't get any talent) or big budget (too risky for comedies or experimental stuff).
And yeah, they say streaming is at fault for that
All 3 beyond classic
I used to watch 1 & 2 all the time on PSP UMDs lmao
PSP UMDs were too advanced technology ahead of their time i had a white psp
imagine a psp release 10 years later with netflix streaming
We should’ve gotten a crossover
directed by Bay since Ratner sucks. Bay doing a martial arts film would actually be interesting.
I used to think this had no chance of being made, but the way Hollywood looking rn...this might have chance.
i must be black sheep i never liked rush hour movies - i love jackie chan movies before he went to holywood , but im glad that rush hour got fans
They’re both so old in tho
If Bad Boys 3 & 4 can work
There’s no excuse why this can’t
Rush hour 2 needs a criterion release. Not a hint of sarcasm
If you care about cool artwork the bluray trilogy is pretty nice