Runner is so good
Truly. Haven’t heard the album yet but Runner probably a top 10 Alex g song for me already
Miracles is the best song here
I enjoyed House of Sugar more off initial listen but this was nice, particularly the first half
can't get into dude. i love similar bands like Helvetia but i listened to Trick and really wasn't feeling most of it. Mary is a great song though
Dat album came out ten years ago cmon
I’m not saying you’re making a bad faith effort, and I know there’s a finite amount of time in our lives to do anything (including listen to more music from an artist you already adjudicated the quality of)
But u should bump a few tracks off one of the more recent albums, see if u don’t dig the more mature Alex g it more
So good
Dat album came out ten years ago cmon
I’m not saying you’re making a bad faith effort, and I know there’s a finite amount of time in our lives to do anything (including listen to more music from an artist you already adjudicated the quality of)
But u should bump a few tracks off one of the more recent albums, see if u don’t dig the more mature Alex g it more
came out 10 years ago and he’s only 29 now
always been crazy to me
came out 10 years ago and he’s only 29 now
always been crazy to me
Lol I know right
Conversely tho the fact that Alex G is about to be 30 makes me feel old as f***
Been a fan since DSU and I latently kind of assumed Alex G would be in his 20s forever… we’ll never be those kids again
Initial impression is that this isn’t as good as House of Sugar or Rocket. I gotta let it marinate longer though.
Runner is so good
I’m having trouble trying to not think of Soul Asylum when I listen to this song. I dig it though.
He truly does not miss. Excellent songwriting, production, flow, everything.
It does not feel like the instant classic that House of Sugar did for me on first listen, but I could see it getting close over time. Very few first listens have hit as hard for me as HoS, I cried hearing that for the first time, but I wouldn't expect that from every album.