Rocket is a classic. I’ve heard House of Sugar and Beach Music but I like Rocket most hows Tricks
Rocket is a classic. I’ve heard House of Sugar and Beach Music but I like Rocket most hows Tricks
a 10
just realized its only alex g now
someone tell me why there was a (sandy) for so long? Its weird, I just called him alex g
someone tell me why there was a (sandy) for so long? Its weird, I just called him alex g
he changed if before releasing rocket back in 2017, didn't really give a reason
“Going forward, Alex G will be known as (Sandy) Alex G. We are unable to provide further comment at this time, but would appreciate you using the new titling for all future mentions
he changed if before releasing rocket back in 2017, didn't really give a reason
“Going forward, Alex G will be known as (Sandy) Alex G. We are unable to provide further comment at this time, but would appreciate you using the new titling for all future mentions
I think there was a musician with the same Alex G name,so he added sandy,and now that musician changed the name so hes back to being Alex G
nobody's gonna push me off track
i don’t wanna be this
good people gotta fight to exist
need to inject this song into my bloodstream
been on a kick this past week, how fitting that this thread got bumped