don’t quote me on this but potentially new album soon
he played a couple new songs at a show back in February & yesterday the director who did the music vids for House of Sugar posted new photos of Alex in costumed attire on his IG story
lets gooooooooooooooooooo
lets gooooooooooooooooooo
Nahhh this hard as brix wtf
not a fan on first couple listens
maybe it grows on me
it doesn't really sound like almost any of his prior work but... somehow it has the soul of an alex g song i think...
always forget i have this thread
so many of his unreleased songs i used to spam everywhere have gone viral on tiktok lol
new album ‘God Save The Animals’ allegedly dropping on September 23
peep the cover:
the new album is apparently listed on french amazon which is how people found out
crazy imo
not feeling the new single but hope the albums great