  • Aug 30, 2022

    This has to be up there. Terrifying movie

  • Aug 30, 2022

    Can be any genre technically when you think about it

  • Aug 30, 2022
    1 reply

  • Aug 30, 2022
    2 replies

    the one in the exorcist 3.

  • Aug 30, 2022
    1 reply
  • Aug 30, 2022
    1 reply
    iCarly Japan2

    the one in the exorcist 3.

    Post pleaseeee

  • Aug 30, 2022

    I have a Blair witch tat on my arm

  • Aug 30, 2022

    The Brood with the f***ing snow globs elite jump scare

  • Aug 30, 2022
    6 replies

    The Waling when the ‘outsider’ is in demon hallucination form in the cave

  • Aug 30, 2022

    The Waling when the ‘outsider’ is in demon hallucination form in the cave

    That s*** was scary

  • Aug 30, 2022
    2 replies

    Zodiac basement scene is up there for me

  • Aug 30, 2022

    Post pleaseeee

    Too scary, no way im gonna look that s*** up

  • Purrp 🌚
    Aug 30, 2022

    Not particularly scary more so unsettling but every argument in Possession and then also THAT scene

  • Aug 30, 2022
    2 replies
    iCarly Japan2

    the one in the exorcist 3.

    This? Pretty iconic scene

  • Aug 30, 2022

    Zodiac basement scene is up there for me

  • humey

    The Waling when the ‘outsider’ is in demon hallucination form in the cave

    underrated ass movie man

  • Aug 30, 2022
    2 replies

    Can’t really pick one scene but all the home videos from sinister are scary as hell in the way they’re filmed

    I’ll also post the basement scene from zodiac cause that s*** makes me uneasy to this day

    @FlyHiii Would say

  • Aug 30, 2022
    1 reply

    Can’t really pick one scene but all the home videos from sinister are scary as hell in the way they’re filmed


    I’ll also post the basement scene from zodiac cause that s*** makes me uneasy to this day


    @FlyHiii Would say


    That scene def spooked me the first time in Mulholland and even though it’s effective in that moment, a jumpscare would be the last thing i would use as an example for scary Lynch moments

  • Aug 30, 2022

    The Waling when the ‘outsider’ is in demon hallucination form in the cave

    Yeah f*** that whole movie ngl

  • Aug 30, 2022
    2 replies

    That scene def spooked me the first time in Mulholland and even though it’s effective in that moment, a jumpscare would be the last thing i would use as an example for scary Lynch moments

    True true, I feel like that scene is the one I see most when it comes to Lynch online lol. For me personally I’d go with this cause the tension was insane first watch

  • Aug 30, 2022
    1 reply

    This while in dark room by yourself>>>

  • Aug 30, 2022
    3 replies

    This made me so uneasy

  • Aug 30, 2022
    1 reply
    rise zero

    I seen this in my dream what movie is this

  • Aug 30, 2022

    Def Jason jumping out the lake

  • Aug 30, 2022
    1 reply

    This made me so uneasy

    i cant bare to watch this movie ever again lol