broke my heart and stories about my brother are best songs
shoe fits is boring
evil ways is good
red button is fine intro
wick man wasn’t needed
Completely disagree with you,
You broke my heart just drags Should’ve been left off
Evil ways is fire Drake and Cole going back-and-forth like that Was what I wanted with fps
Wick Man is my second favourite on the ep been waiting for Drake to link up with Al for ages
The shoe fits is Very intriguing
Stories about my brother is better than Tuscan leather
red button Gonna be heavily replayed
Wasn't Drake clowning rappers for doing deluxe gimmicks
What if he was? That doesn’t matter in a drake thread, because he’s the only artist that matters in here
What if he was? That doesn’t matter in a drake thread, because he’s the only artist that matters in here
Devious levels of glazing here
This is insane. Already love the original but these would be like his best covers
I can’t believe Drake really dropped this and gave everyone whining what they wanted 😂😂 man is the goat no debate. Will never not be able to rap circles around anyone
Devious levels of glazing here
That’s my personality @slutdog
Wasn't Drake clowning rappers for doing deluxe gimmicks
All he said was my album is payin the bills I don’t even need a deluxe lol
29 goated songs on FATD now. Wow
29 goated songs on FATD now. Wow
Has anyone tried listening to it, including fatd and the additional six tracks
okay white people calling anything that is traditional rap “underground” is hilarious
Tuscan leather underground?
Press this red button dawg n everything forever changes
Word to m-dolla She the only one could maybe save it
(You would've popped off, you would've said s***, you would've posted s***, I know your ass too well)
man was running out of breath by the end of that, lmao girl got him exasperated
That was fire when he was doing it over the F*** MY EX. Love s*** like that
underground rap is when no hook
at least i think this post just hurts my head
Honestly I'm liking the lack of hooks, works even in You Broke My Heart. I know it's not traditional songwriting but it's good imo