2:58 in You Broke My Heart he comes in with LYYY like he's about to say LYLAHHH as he does on flight's booked but this time it's LYYYYYING
Caught that too shorty was probably baited too while listening my crafty goat
Completely disagree with you,
You broke my heart just drags Should’ve been left off
Evil ways is fire Drake and Cole going back-and-forth like that Was what I wanted with fps
Wick Man is my second favourite on the ep been waiting for Drake to link up with Al for ages
The shoe fits is Very intriguing
Stories about my brother is better than Tuscan leather
red button Gonna be heavily replayed
Nothing tops Tuscan leather. You’re hatin at this point
Has anyone tried listening to it, including fatd and the additional six tracks
I did. It’s great, but the additional songs don’t mix in well isolated at the end. I’m going to figure out the right places for them eventually
I did. It’s great, but the additional songs don’t mix in well isolated at the end. I’m going to figure out the right places for them eventually
Okay, maybe you could cut the album down to make them fit in a bit easier
Okay, maybe you could cut the album down to make them fit in a bit easier
Oh 100% but I really think it has potential even without cutting songs
Nothing tops Tuscan leather. You’re hatin at this point
Definitely not hating I’ve been a fan since 2007. Maybe I was reaching a bit there But it’s still on that level
I did. It’s great, but the additional songs don’t mix in well isolated at the end. I’m going to figure out the right places for them eventually
Just make it its own thing and add 8am in the mix
Oh 100% but I really think it has potential even without cutting songs
Am I weird for thinking that wick man would fit well Between away from home and polar opposites?
Then I search your name, find you on the gram, click the linktree and see you posing zesty online n***a what the f**k...
Drake has dropped enough music to never drop again and Id be satisfied. What an insane run. We got everything a fan could ever ask for
Maybe just add Vital and Neatly on streaming
The climax to The Shoe Fits is crazy, wish I can hear that for the first time again
Drake has dropped enough music to never drop again and Id be satisfied. What an insane run. We got everything a fan could ever ask for
Maybe just add Vital and Neatly on streaming
Don't say that
This project has a lot of replayability tbh since it's so chill. He stays on the beat so well that he can melt into the background if you focussing on something else. Will be spinning this a lot.
Don't say that
He’ll be back though. In the announcement video he said something like ‘im so confident in fatd that id be able to disappear for 6 months’ and that f***ing cracked me up
Like how is 6 months even disappearing lmao. Full on addict to creating and dropping music
The climax to The Shoe Fits is crazy, wish I can hear that for the first time again
If they were going back in forth in the studio on evil ways they def got more cooked up meaning collab album coming soon.
Will be interesting to see what he does from here since he seems to have placated most of his fanbase. Will he go back to bigger projects or keep it trimmed? Will he search for new sounds as has always been his MO? Or will he play it safe to please everyone? Time will tell.
Just make it its own thing and add 8am in the mix
Not a bad idea
Am I weird for thinking that wick man would fit well Between away from home and polar opposites?
Nah I f*** with that
Red button Should be the intro and move Virginia Beach into that 14-19 area of the og. Evil ways would be Straight before FPS Calm Before the storm type s**t Also, the shoe fits In between screw the world and drew a Picasso, wick man In between away from home and polar opposite, You broke, my heart would be Somewhere between Calling for you and Evil ways. SAMB Would be right after 8 am. Anyone agree?
Red button Should be the intro and move Virginia Beach into that 14-19 area of the og. Evil ways would be Straight before FPS Calm Before the storm type s**t Also, the shoe fits In between screw the world and drew a Picasso, wick man In between away from home and polar opposite, You broke, my heart would be Somewhere between Calling for you and Evil ways. SAMB Would be right after 8 am. Anyone agree?
Yeah i see the vision ill try it out thanks G