At 25 if a nigga makes me mad enough to the point where I wanna fight bro gotta die man
and scream out of it as loud as you can "IM DOWN BAD YALL"
LOL i did something similar a couple years back, yelled out my window loads of pain screams continuously at the top of my lungs until eventually an ambulance came and took me away, me and my friends had been smoking spice and we got into a debate about how long you could get away with screaming in an enclosed 21st century society
..weird times
i’m 25 dude
Which "school" you are fighting in then? Ur fighting like that in collage?
"a moment where every inch of my mammal man came out to help me fight." Ayo?
This nigga said his d*** got hard n started using it to beat on that nigga like a club
LOL i did something similar a couple years back, yelled out my window loads of pain screams continuously at the top of my lungs until eventually an ambulance came and took me away, me and my friends had been smoking spice and we got into a debate about how long you could get away with screaming in an enclosed 21st century society
..weird times