That jpeg s*** was a rollout they had already linked or had it set up
Pusha only ever has shown support unless I've missed something. He been quiet for a long time though
he distanced himself from Kanye and made a statement about his anti semetic s***
Kanye also took a little dig at him recently(listening session rant )
"you talk about how mental health needs support but don't unconditionally support a man who refuses treatment and demands he isn't actually mentally unwell. Curious."
There aren't many intellectuals in hip hop. To be expected
You nozukas
i just realized that shade is crazy
Rappers don’t care. I remember Ye getting some heat from rappers about Trump and white lives matters thing but then more rappers like Wayne & Kodak started supporting Trump and ppl got over it
There aren't many intellectuals in hip hop. To be expected
It does not take an intellectual to realize a man who wants no help does not deserve unconditional support or else it just reinforcers falling into a spiral
I mean Q's position makes sense, it's similar to what Katt Williams said on Shae's podcast.
Why do we expect anything sensical from someone who has already at lengths explained that he's non-sensical?
It does not take an intellectual to realize a man who wants no help does not deserve unconditional support or else it just reinforcers falling into a spiral
Fair point. So is Q a dullard, or just being ignorant?
It’s wack when people censor s*** like this
If you wanna show support, fully show it lol
Same goes for disses
Probably wrote the song before the recent antisemitism. It’s still obvious who he’s talking about
It does not take an intellectual to realize a man who wants no help does not deserve unconditional support or else it just reinforcers falling into a spiral
This exact reason is why I ain’t listen to vultures tbh
rappers are cool with murderers and rapists. u think they care about anti-semitism.
also they benefit from a relationship with ye.
Everyone still f***s with Ye. It’s really only the redditor types that thought s*** was gonna change
Most normal people are able to separate the art from the artist
For real
Q is to worried about getting "cancelled" by terminally online weirdos who sit on Twitter all day and enjoy reading BuzzFeed articles
I don’t even think he’s scared about that tho that’s what makes it annoying
Kanye’s mentioned two other times by name on the album
Probably wrote the song before the recent antisemitism. It’s still obvious who he’s talking about
Nah it’s definitely about the antisemitism…what else would he be “canceled” about? The trump s*** from 2016 is the only other time I could think about lol
Kanye’s mentioned two other times by name on the album so I doubt he was forced to remove it lol which makes it weird and annoying
Every rappers in the industry support Kanye
They just not saying it out loud and we all know why
Every rappers in the industry support Kanye
They just not saying it out loud and we all know why
Nah I don’t know why, can u elaborate?
Yall should know by now there’s only one type of bigotry rappers somewhat care about
And even then they'll throw on a MAGA hat or White Lives Matter shirt if the right people cut the check no problem. At the end of the day they value money over morals unless you're a Lupe or Andre type and really stick to your guns
Every rappers in the industry support Kanye
They just not saying it out loud and we all know why
Not every rapper. I wouldn't be surprised if Kanye been calling up Hov and Drake but they don't pick up the phone. I'd say it's probably mixed. There's some who support him, some who hate, and some who don't care either way because Ye is too much of a hassle to work with
lol I’m almost certain most rappers agreed with Ye’s antics even in all of its fallaciousness
Just like they all d***ride Trump
Very conservative dudes: mostly christian, capitalists, anti-women in some way etc.
Nah it’s definitely about the antisemitism…what else would he be “canceled” about? The trump s*** from 2016 is the only other time I could think about lol
Kanye’s mentioned two other times by name on the album so I doubt he was forced to remove it lol which makes it weird and annoying
People were tryna cancel him for the slavery is a choice s***. But I guess you’re right it wasn’t like this