  • Dec 31, 2024
    1 reply

    I mean, yeah shes a s***worker. Whats your point lol

    I feel like sean is kinda skewing his own intent there. His movies seems to respect the person doing the s***work, not S***Work. Seems to me like hes very neutral about the occupation itself. never really seems to glorify or condemn it as a job. But who knows. Again, just my take on it.

    lol that’s the point “she’s a s***worker” why is it so bad to call her a prostitute if that’s literally what she’s doing?

  • Dec 31, 2024
    2 replies

    I mean, yeah shes a s***worker. Whats your point lol

    I feel like sean is kinda skewing his own intent there. His movies seems to respect the person doing the s***work, not S***Work. Seems to me like hes very neutral about the occupation itself. never really seems to glorify or condemn it as a job. But who knows. Again, just my take on it.

    He wants to have his cake and pay for it too

    From his two films I've seen (Florida and Anora), he portrays s***work as a means to an end, but the end goals are portrayed as different (caring for daughter vs "love" apparently?)

  • Dec 31, 2024
    1 reply
    Oscar Winner

    lol that’s the point “she’s a s***worker” why is it so bad to call her a prostitute if that’s literally what she’s doing?

    Well again, its a technicality but still i see your point.

    I guess from reading your prior posts, theres some all-or-nothing conflation of different branches of s***work, which leads to an air of of condescension. And can be read by some ppl that are pro s***work as implications that s***work is something morally wrong

    so i was kinda expressing my view on it as it being a pretty neutral occupation that a person could have, although pretty corrupted due to stigma, for discussions sake

    Either way, this movie deserves this type of discussion anyways. And was most likely the intent of sean and his wife.

    To your point though, yea, she is a s***worker. Stripping, prostitution, cam girl, bikini barista etc Is def all under the umbrella of s***work. i agree on that point.

  • Dec 31, 2024
    1 reply

    He wants to have his cake and pay for it too

    From his two films I've seen (Florida and Anora), he portrays s***work as a means to an end, but the end goals are portrayed as different (caring for daughter vs "love" apparently?)


    Sean is likely playing to the more progressive crowd and s***workers in general for marketing purposes. Thats more of something you kinda have the bite the bullet on for a promo run

    Cause his movies cannot be described in political terms like that. He got white ppl sayin nigga and all types of slurs till this day lmfao. His movies are just real af, which is why i feel like he hasnt missed

  • Worldpremiere_


    Sean is likely playing to the more progressive crowd and s***workers in general for marketing purposes. Thats more of something you kinda have the bite the bullet on for a promo run

    Cause his movies cannot be described in political terms like that. He got white ppl sayin nigga and all types of slurs till this day lmfao. His movies are just real af, which is why i feel like he hasnt missed

    Sounds like he's the filmmaker right in your wheelhouse.

    Playing it up for marketing is nasty work tho lmao

  • Worldpremiere_

    Well again, its a technicality but still i see your point.

    I guess from reading your prior posts, theres some all-or-nothing conflation of different branches of s***work, which leads to an air of of condescension. And can be read by some ppl that are pro s***work as implications that s***work is something morally wrong

    so i was kinda expressing my view on it as it being a pretty neutral occupation that a person could have, although pretty corrupted due to stigma, for discussions sake

    Either way, this movie deserves this type of discussion anyways. And was most likely the intent of sean and his wife.

    To your point though, yea, she is a s***worker. Stripping, prostitution, cam girl, bikini barista etc Is def all under the umbrella of s***work. i agree on that point.

    Nah I agree this type of discussion is good and isn’t meant to have everyone agree.

    Like I said earlier I definitely don’t think women should be charged for doing whatever they choose with their body. If a woman wants to sell p****, she should have the right to do so without it being seen as a crime. I think it should be a crime towards others who force them to do that.

    With that being said, morally I don’t jack it. I would never allow my wife to do some s*** like that and I would never wish that upon my daughter. And frankly I think women should be above that type of s*** but that’s not my place to decide unless I’m connected to you.

    But I do strongly believe we can’t pick and choose, in this case me saying “you can’t be proud of being a s***worker but turn around and get offended by certain terms”….yes there is a gray area, if I’m saying “ewww she’s a prostitute” then yes you can be offended because there’s judgement in that statement. But the act of saying your occupation is prostitution shouldn’t come with offense if that is by definition what you do.

    I’m a black man, if you’re simply telling someone I am black, I’m not gonna be offended because that’s who I am. But if you’re saying it with racist undertones then I can take offense.


    He wants to have his cake and pay for it too

    From his two films I've seen (Florida and Anora), he portrays s***work as a means to an end, but the end goals are portrayed as different (caring for daughter vs "love" apparently?)

    100%…especially Florida Project, we need to normalize s***work but let’s also show this mom selling p**** while her daughter is locked up in the bathroom.

    And I jack these films fully but it’s not making me be any more open minded to his ideas. If anything it does the opposite.

  • And I know that d***head Nero was making comparisons to d*** dealing and assuming I have friends who deal d**** that I advocate for (I’m not sure where he drew up that imagination)

    But….I don’t necessarily see it as the same thing for a few reasons. With d****, you the dealer don’t have an intimate personal connection to it like you do with your body. Yes morally it can be seen as f***ed up that you’re selling things that harm others. But those people are choosing to buy it. As long as you ARENT secretly cutting with fentanyl and giving the person exactly what they asked for.

    Now with prostitution, yes it’s their body and they have 100% range to do whatever with it. But we can’t erase how women have an emotional connection to sex, we can’t erase the mental damage it comes with. I’m not saying every s***worker is but there’s 1000s of stories of damaged p*** stars. It’s not a coincidence all these p*** stars have been dying recently from d*** overdose or suicide.

    So besides my personal view, it’s still hard to get behind something that is so mentally damaging, puts risk of STDs or unwanted pregnancy (if talking physical s***obviously)

  • Jan 1
    1 reply

    she is so beautiful


    F*** Igor

    Not all Men: The Movie

    Imagine being anti Igor

  • Jan 1
    2 replies
    Oscar Winner

    If the message is respecting s***work, I’m still wondering why Ani gets offended about being called a prostitute and claims “IM NOT A PROSTITUTE”

    Shouldn’t she be proud? Or at least act like it’s not an offensive term?

    She’s clearly neurodivergent, it’s giving show girls , Julia in uncut gems , nymphomaniac


    She’s clearly neurodivergent, it’s giving show girls , Julia in uncut gems , nymphomaniac


  • Jan 1
    1 reply

    She’s clearly neurodivergent, it’s giving show girls , Julia in uncut gems , nymphomaniac

    Julia in Uncut gems: Omgggg is that how hard your d*** gets!!?


  • Oscar Winner

    Julia in Uncut gems: Omgggg is that how hard your d*** gets!!?


    Love when female leads are written like this , and also her declining the intimacy coordinator is reminiscent of Berkeley coming out of Paul Verhoevens trailer with her lipstick smeared every day of shooting in showgirls

  • Her instinctively f\*\*\*ing igor after he returns her ring is wild

  • 666 💢
    Jan 1
    1 reply

    @NeonBuddy congrats bro

  • Jan 1

    she is so beautiful

    I think I love her.

  • proper 🔩
    Jan 1

    @NeonBuddy congrats bro


  • Jan 1
    2 replies

    Mikey and Ivy Wolk are so hot it’s insane

    Can someone send me ivys femdom Patreon s*** i don’t feel like going on those sites to try and find it

  • Jan 2
    2 replies

    just saw someone point out Toros goes on his anti-young people speech in front of an american flag lol

  • I love when movies do the cheesy ass “we’re so in love” montage and then right after everything goes bad lol

    This movie did it good. Promising young woman is another one.


    Mikey and Ivy Wolk are so hot it’s insane

    Can someone send me ivys femdom Patreon s*** i don’t feel like going on those sites to try and find it

    Ivy? Eww

  • Great movie

  • Still mad my little brother shook Sean bakers hand at the q and a. He’s barely getting into films at 18 lmao
