  • Updated Jan 8

    Not putting this in the LOU Thread cuz I want people to see it and engage.

    But everything about it is so epic. The relationship building with Lev, building ascension, which culminates in an almost Uncharted like highrise sequence. Then the building decent, where it feels super creepy and isolated and enemies start coming from out of the walls. And of course rat king, which you aren't just thrown into, it takes its time and builds up tension throughout the level until the big payoff. Clearly a boss fight but the game does so well at integrating it where it just feels like you are continuing the game as normal. When the level is done, you really feel like you accomplished Entire game was amazing obviously but that section was the centerpiece imo.

  • Jan 7
    2 replies

    Astro Bot mouse level better

  • Kr0niic ☘️
    Jan 7

    best day in the entire game. Ugh it is literally peak the entire thing

    but have you played astro bot mouse level

  • NobodyWins

    Astro Bot mouse level better

  • Real gaming

  • NobodyWins

    Astro Bot mouse level better

  • Lol I haven't played astro bot. Glad y'all liked it but it doesn't interest me.

  • As someone who hasn’t played Astro Bot mouse level, I agree.

    And honestly the game has multiple sequences that are all time sequences

  • Jan 7
    1 reply

    Rivalled by ellie day 2, hillcrest is the greatest level ever made absolutely immaculate, I could play it forever

  • Jan 7
    1 reply

    Gonna have to cop the second this drops on PC, live got crazy busy back then, I only made it to the abby switch and basically dropped the game. Thought Abby was GANGSTA tho

    My fav part with all of that considered might have been the flooded city stealth part. Too fye

  • Jan 8
    2 replies

    The highrise area made me ill

  • CutiePieHole

    The highrise area made me ill

    Did it's job then lol.

    I loved how the 2nd game upped the horror aspect of the franchise significantly in general.

  • flootures

    Gonna have to cop the second this drops on PC, live got crazy busy back then, I only made it to the abby switch and basically dropped the game. Thought Abby was GANGSTA tho

    My fav part with all of that considered might have been the flooded city stealth part. Too fye

    Yeah PC will be dope and graphics wise best way to play. But yeah you gotta finish it cuz they gave the most amazing sequences to Abby, which was weird.

  • Jan 8
    2 replies

    Abby portion of the game was so goated and the Ellie portion felt like an afterthought they had to make to get ppl to keep playing.

    I genuinely could’ve done without the Ellie parts of the game

  • Jan 8
    1 reply

    The highrise area made me ill

    That was the best level design of the whole game imo

    That & being in the mariners stadium as a city

    The Santa Barbara portion

  • And people have the nerve to say 1 is better

  • Jan 8
    2 replies

    That was the best level design of the whole game imo

    That & being in the mariners stadium as a city

    The Santa Barbara portion

    Santa Barbara sucked cuz imo they didn't do enough with it

  • Jan 8
    1 reply

    Santa Barbara sucked cuz imo they didn't do enough with it

    I just really liked the level design but yes it was short

    I felt like they were teasing game 3 with it though

  • Jan 8
    1 reply

    Abby and Ellie both had phenomenal Day 2’s

  • DS2

    Rivalled by ellie day 2, hillcrest is the greatest level ever made absolutely immaculate, I could play it forever

    I don't even remember lol let me go on YouTube and see what that was. They gave Ellie all the s***ty parts. S***ty as far as the last of us is concerned, just meaning slightly weaker, obviously the whole game is phenomenal, even if a small few sections dragged.

    I think they gave Abby the better campaign because they knew people may not like her or care for her story, so they needed to compensate for it somehow. Idk my opinion.

  • newaccount42069

    Abby portion of the game was so goated and the Ellie portion felt like an afterthought they had to make to get ppl to keep playing.

    I genuinely could’ve done without the Ellie parts of the game

    Sadly this is ALMOST true for me lmao, but no Ellie had some amazing parts as well, and I like playing as her as a character more than Abby. I have to acknowledge that.

    But yeah it's wild they straight gave all the good s*** to Abby lol. Whole game is so amazing though, you get literally two phenomenal campaigns in one game. Ellies is only weak in TLOU standards and even that portion could stand toe to toe with many other games.

  • Bushmanate

    Santa Barbara sucked cuz imo they didn't do enough with it

    I enjoyed, but I know the game was extremely ambitious and I do wonder if at some point the level designers were like look, something has to be shortened/cut or whatever if we're gonna make this release date. Or maybe it was intentional who knows. But yeah I agree it did seem kinda rushed after everything you just went through. I remember how surprising it was to even see that the game kept going when it got to that part. Felt like it was going to end so many times, and just kept going.

    Last game that made me feel that was snake eater lol back in 2004. Long motorcycle chase, then shagohod fight, then more motorcycle chase, then escort mission through the woods, then finally last boss. I thought it would end after you destroyed the shagohod even though I know he still had a job to do in taking down "her"

  • Jan 8
    1 reply

    I just really liked the level design but yes it was short

    I felt like they were teasing game 3 with it though

    Really? How so, can you expand on that a bit?

  • Jan 8
    1 reply

    Abby and Ellie both had phenomenal Day 2’s

    They did. Feels like they wanted to make Day 2 centerpieces of an already phenomenal game.

    Abby has the rat king, high rise building trek, etc though lol.

  • Man it's crazy to me how good the first game still looks on base PS3. I was watching this e3 demo (boy I used to watch this video religiously lol) and thought about how amazing it still holds up.

    Hearing that crowd cheer man was euphoric. That's gaming right there and has to make you feel great as a designer who has been working tirelessly on this s*** day in and day out.

    The longer one

    And yes it was obviously manufactured in spots, with certain abilities promised not available in the final game, it still game is essentially identical to the e3 showing, if not slightly better or worse depending on who you ask. Amazing work man. I remember even Hideo Kojima talked about how highly he thought of it, since it dealt with gameplay mechanics similar to metal gear and he wanted certain things they did for mgs.

    Totally getting off topic my own thread