S80 if youre still stuck in HS
His weakest album
Do you think he has progressed musically from then to now?
Do you think he has progressed musically from then to now?
I enjoy S80 a lot more though. Not taking away from MMBS at all because it’s still a fantastic album, but S80 is more enjoyable to me.
Do you think he has progressed musically from then to now?
Yeah obviously, absolutely
S80 has stuff on that is still kinda amateurish, & some of it has not aged well
Saying otherwise is an insult & reactionary
Its for niggas stunted & that operate off nostalgia
If s80 dropped today it would be s***ted on
His rhyming, concepts, sequencing & structure all got way better
Even he thinks its his weakest album as well, if that means anything to you
i think i'd rather shoot myself in the foot than to listen to either
you want me to post your avy or your username?
Mr Morale
never thought S80 was a great album
Section.80 is his worst album and it’s still better than most rappers discographies.
Section.80 is his worst album and it’s still better than most rappers discographies.
ADHD and Rigamortus were also the first Kendrick songs I fell in love with so that’s also influencing my answer
I feel like MMBS is too fresh to really tell. S80 is like 12 years old atp
S80 dropping today would be called some tryhard s***
S*** like Rigamortis would be clowned as nonsense rappity rapp by you same niggas that think music fell off after 2016 d*** sucking
Hold Up & the song with Schoolboy Q yall would call a meme song
Yall funny