this was gonna be my answer 100%
played for the first time last year and i couldnt stand the camera angles among other things
nice opinion
i feel like a game thats aged very poorly in terms of graphics, controls, or is stuck on a console / never been ported after are more deserving of it imo
a game like halo 3 or ninja gaiden black legit still hold up to this day and are accessible to play now
like imagine a halo 3 remake under the hands of 343? yeah f***ing right lmao
i feel like a game thats aged very poorly in terms of graphics, controls, or is stuck on a console / never been ported after are more deserving of it imo
a game like halo 3 or ninja gaiden black legit still hold up to this day and are accessible to play now
most of those games are exactly that lol and/or how to find or aint been ported minus a very few
ninja gaiden as your example camera and camera control is terrible and its one of my fav games
like imagine a halo 3 remake under the hands of 343? yeah f***ing right lmao
halo 1 and 2s remakes are good lol
most of those games are exactly that lol and/or how to find or aint been ported minus a very few
ninja gaiden as your example camera and camera control is terrible and its one of my fav games
a lot of those games you listed like say gta san andreas or KOTR are on multiple consoles though lol
i never really had that problem that much in ninja gaiden black especially cus u can adjust the camera unlike DMC 1
halo 1 and 2s remakes are good lol
the halo 1 remake they just did an asset flip from halo reach and called it a day. they couldnt even be assed to remake the online either lol
the halo 2 campaign is very solid especially with the cutscenes but the online for it is essentially halo 4's engine but halo 2 stuff in it. very lazy
Star Wars Knight of the Old Republic 1
Dino Crisis 1 and 2
God of War 1 and 2
Banjo Kazooie
Ninja Gaiden Black
Halo 3
Dragon Quest 8
Shenmue 1
Metroid Prime 1 and 2
Grand Theft Auto San Andreas
Pokemon 5th Gen
Onimusha 1 and/or 2
Sonic Adventure 1 and 2
One of the Kings Field and/or Shadow Tower games from Fromsoftware's early years and beginning of Souls (would also love a sequel/reboot of Kings Field or Shadow Tower that is basically Skyrim x Dark Soul in first person since they did a great job with AC6 and Sekiro that was originally a Tenchu reboot)
Fable 1 and/or 2
Pikmin 1 and 2
Mafia 2
Mass Effect 1 and 2
Gran Turismo 4
Panzer Dragoon Saga
Chrono Trigger
Thats all of them I can think of
metroid prime literally got a remake like a year ago
a lot of those games you listed like say gta san andreas or KOTR are on multiple consoles though lol
i never really had that problem that much in ninja gaiden black especially cus u can adjust the camera unlike DMC 1
very few of my choices were lol thats a high exaggerations and gta sa is rough with terrible ports as hell now and kotor has had no love in multiple years with an outdated gameplay system and has been abandoned due to its mmo
most of my picks is either issues, not accessible or havent had a new entry in over a decade
and no its a fact NG camera is ass and it been one of its only few complaints, just because it not fixed doesnt mean it camera isnt ass - like dark souls 1 before the remaster (which that could use a remake as well) or demons souls before its remake
im not talking about dmc
metroid prime literally got a remake like a year ago
no it got a port lol and a half ass remaster
the halo 1 remake they just did an asset flip from halo reach and called it a day. they couldnt even be assed to remake the online either lol
the halo 2 campaign is very solid especially with the cutscenes but the online for it is essentially halo 4's engine but halo 2 stuff in it. very lazy
idc if they reused and edited assets it still worked and outside a very few stylistic things its still great, same with 2
idc about the multiplayer im talking the core games with all my entries
very few of my choices were lol thats a high exaggerations and gta sa is rough with terrible ports as hell now and kotor has had no love in multiple years with an outdated gameplay system and has been abandoned due to its mmo
most of my picks is either issues, not accessible or havent had a new entry in over a decade
and no its a fact NG camera is ass and it been one of its only few complaints, just because it not fixed doesnt mean it camera isnt ass - like dark souls 1 before the remaster (which that could use a remake as well) or demons souls before its remake
im not talking about dmc
the ports for gta sa are fine man you are just waffling. that recently trilogy one they put like 2 years ago was trash because they didnt even try
i disagree with ninja gaiden s*** but w/e
idc if they reused and edited assets it still worked and outside a very few stylistic things its still great, same with 2
idc about the multiplayer im talking the core games with all my entries
multiplayer is an integral part of halo soooo lmao
the ports for gta sa are fine man you are just waffling. that recently trilogy one they put like 2 years ago was trash because they didnt even try
i disagree with ninja gaiden s*** but w/e
wtf are you talking about LMAO the gta sa is a mobile port with tons of texture and framerate issues with literal ui elements from the mobile and i wasnt even talking about the trash trilogy and the SA port has been s***ted on forever from media to fans
just because you dont know the depth of its f***ed up doesnt mean its not an issue or that youre rifght, its just ignorance
the halo ce remake of the flood levels they made it look like a pretty rain forest instead of a deserted swamp area like how it used to be
stylistic things my ass
multiplayer is an integral part of halo soooo lmao
didnt say it was
i said i dont care about it
phantasy star online
megaman battle network
megaman legends
skies of arcadia
f-zero gx
chibi robo
niggas like water giver is why we get nothing but remakes instead of new original games nowadays
the halo ce remake of the flood levels they made it look like a pretty rain forest instead of a deserted swamp area like how it used to be
stylistic things my ass
looks like got more filled out to me lol swamps are barren
stylitic things is how the forge people architecture looks and how the elites look btw
niggas like water giver is why we get nothing but remakes instead of new original games nowadays
im one of the main people that champion new games on here LMAO youre just ignorant
"what games of your favs would you like to see remade eventually"
"these would be cool"
"wow bro only wants remakes"
"what games of your favs would you like to see remade eventually"
"these would be cool"
"wow bro only wants remakes"
thats not what i said at all
thats not what i said at all
"niggas like water giver is why we get nothing but remakes instead of new original games nowadays"
that is literally insinuating lol
you do know most the games i mention dont have ports like dino crisis and god of war?
most games have issues like ng, sonic of sa?
most games are archaic like chrono trigger or king field?
only a few of those are available today, and a small amount is personal vanity that i would think would be cool like Okami
have no idea what your problem is
and yeah i like remakes, as long as theyre for games that need it or havent been around in a long time