"niggas like water giver is why we get nothing but remakes instead of new original games nowadays"
that is literally insinuating lol
you do know most the games i mention dont have ports like dino crisis and god of war?
most games have issues like ng, sonic of sa?
most games are archaic like chrono trigger or king field?
only a few of those are available today, and a small amount is personal vanity that i would think would be cool like Okami
have no idea what your problem is
and yeah i like remakes, as long as theyre for games that need it or havent been around in a long time
i made this exact point the second post i made to you and you clearly didnt read it
a game like dino crisis should absolutely get a remake, its borderline obscure atp, something like halo 3 doesn't. thats all im saying.
Yeah it's weird to see how much they've been ignoring that franchise. Obviously RE a million times more popular maybe they don't want to risk the resources on what was a popular but not as big franchise.
Money talks but I believe they’re aware of the demand for dino crisis. After this resident evil remake craze they’ll probably shoot for it
Wouldn’t be surprised if they out source it & let another studio remake it tbh
i made this exact point the second post i made to you and you clearly didnt read it
a game like dino crisis should absolutely get a remake, its borderline obscure atp, something like halo 3 doesn't. thats all im saying.
no, i read everything you said and responded to all of them, you said "most" of my games werent necessary and deemed them to not fit your point and claimed im just "waffling", when really you dont/didnt know the issue or condition and accessibility of most of those games and were wrong about - such as gta sa having one of the worst and notorious ports even outside the trilogy
and thats your opinion about halo 3, not mine
oblivion and/or especially morrowind could use a remake too and especially since es6 aint coming for a long time
same with fallout and f3 + fnv which none of these dont even have a simple remaster outside of skyrim which is assine and they could use a huge fix up on their bugs n framerates and a new coat of paint on their hugely aged look
but they should probably be done by someone else not core bethesda
oblivion and/or especially morrowind could use a remake too and especially since es6 aint coming for a long time
same with fallout and f3 + fnv which none of these dont even have a simple remaster outside of skyrim which is assine and they could use a huge fix up on their bugs n framerates and a new coat of paint on their hugely aged look
but they should probably be done by someone else not core bethesda
Oblivion remake would be incredible
They could cook visually with a remake of infamous
and a modern remake would be just as good
Idk feels unnecessary, Capcom would be better off giving Code Veronica a modern remake
Idk feels unnecessary, Capcom would be better off giving Code Veronica a modern remake
Code Veronica definitely needs a remake.
They better fix that backtracking cause that s*** was tedious asf
Idk feels unnecessary, Capcom would be better off giving Code Veronica a modern remake
You’re spitting facts
Idk feels unnecessary, Capcom would be better off giving Code Veronica a modern remake
Yeah, Code veronica would be my answer
dawg a lot of these dont need remakes
It’s not even that it’s that some of these already have remakes
It’s not even that it’s that some of these already have remakes
yea i think i mentioned that already in some of my other posts lol just really pointless to remake things for the sake of it
Conker's Bad Fur Day/Live & Reloaded
Sonic Adventure 2
The Movies
Fallout 3
Left 4 Dead 1 & 2