  • Nov 21, 2022
    Water Giver

    Next gen ass so far all they got is half assed remakes besides Demons and ports besides Returnal n Ratchet lmao atm. Other "next gen exclusives" got backwards ports later on like Godfall & Deathloop, and others are cross gen still like GT7, Horizon 2 n GOW5

    2023 cant come soon enough.

  • Nov 21, 2022
    rise zero

    We all know Sonic will win goty

  • Nov 21, 2022
    Water Giver

    Next gen ass so far all they got is half assed remakes besides Demons and ports besides Returnal n Ratchet lmao atm. Other "next gen exclusives" got backwards ports later on like Godfall & Deathloop, and others are cross gen still like GT7, Horizon 2 n GOW5

    2023 cant come soon enough.

  • Nov 21, 2022
    2 replies

    Returnal is the game that feels most next-gen to me

  • Nov 21, 2022

    Can’t disagree with this

  • Ragnarok thread was on my ass cuz I’ve been enjoying it on my ps4 s*** runs like butter no jet engine noises nun

  • Kr0niic ☘️
    Nov 22, 2022
    1 reply

    Returnal is the game that feels most next-gen to me

    The dual sense features alone make it feel next gen

    That’s the game that sold me on dual sense (besides Astro bot)

  • Nov 22, 2022
    2 replies

    What even makes a game feel next gen

  • Nov 22, 2022
    1 reply

    What even makes a game feel next gen

    Graphics, physics, loadtimes, number of npcs or events going on onscreen at a time. I'd think stuff like that

  • Nov 22, 2022
    1 reply
    Handsome Bachelor

    Graphics, physics, loadtimes, number of npcs or events going on onscreen at a time. I'd think stuff like that

    The argument that I usually see is that there isn't any game out right now that couldn't be done on PS4

    But I feel like with a lot of those things you listed you could scale them down to make a game run on PS4, idk

    I honestly feel like Astro Bot was the only game that felt like a true next gen experience just because of how well it showed off the dual sense.

  • Nov 22, 2022

    The dual sense features alone make it feel next gen

    That’s the game that sold me on dual sense (besides Astro bot)

    Same, there’s still nothing else that comes close to those two games when it comes to the dual sense feedback. It’s kinda wild

  • Nov 22, 2022
    1 reply

    The argument that I usually see is that there isn't any game out right now that couldn't be done on PS4

    But I feel like with a lot of those things you listed you could scale them down to make a game run on PS4, idk

    I honestly feel like Astro Bot was the only game that felt like a true next gen experience just because of how well it showed off the dual sense.

    You played Returnal?

  • Nov 22, 2022
    1 reply

    Yea it is. GoW goty or it’s rigged. Need Cory Balrog to do a Will Smith slap on someone if GoW doesn’t win.

    Great game but should def not win over elden Ring. If anything besides Elden ring wins idk wtf is going on

  • Nov 22, 2022

    Great game but should def not win over elden Ring. If anything besides Elden ring wins idk wtf is going on

    Either one works for me. I just want god of war to win.

  • Nov 22, 2022

    You played Returnal?

    Returnal had the second best dualsense use

  • Nov 22, 2022

    streets saying god of war is a ps4 game

  • Nov 22, 2022
    1 reply

    What even makes a game feel next gen

    Pushes the boundaries of video games. Graphics, gameplay mechanics, storytelling, etc. Something like a Half-Life 2, Oblivion, Crysis 1, etc.

  • Nov 22, 2022
    1 reply

    Pushes the boundaries of video games. Graphics, gameplay mechanics, storytelling, etc. Something like a Half-Life 2, Oblivion, Crysis 1, etc.

    What many of you are describing is what we used to call a Killer App or a game that justifies buying a new console because it

    1. Only comes to the console
    2. Takes utilization of controller
    3. Graphics update
    4. Gameplay features that could only be done on the console like mechanics
    5. Better AI ( I think a lot of people forget this when focusing on graphics and framerate)
    6. Well designed making it replayable or feel worth the cost of admission.

  • Boi1da

    Returnal is the game that feels most next-gen to me

    it also helps that it's the second best game this gen so far (behind Elden Ring)

  • Nov 22, 2022

    What many of you are describing is what we used to call a Killer App or a game that justifies buying a new console because it

    1. Only comes to the console
    2. Takes utilization of controller
    3. Graphics update
    4. Gameplay features that could only be done on the console like mechanics
    5. Better AI ( I think a lot of people forget this when focusing on graphics and framerate)
    6. Well designed making it replayable or feel worth the cost of admission.

    I was talking more so overall next-gen, but it's even worse on consoles.

    Just look back two gens and we had capstone exclusives like MGS4 and Fable II. S*** that re-defined those genres and made people rush out to actually buy a console. Now we have... Returnal I guess lol.